I was always making memes, and now I have music.

I have only become more popular since 'Race 3' memes.

Consciousness is an illusion constructed by the memes.

I hope that memes jump out of our computers in the future.

I will really go looking at memes and be crying sometimes.

People naturally want to retweet and engage on super funny videos and memes.

The only thing I get more than Anthony Fantano hate is Anthony Fantano memes.

You can't debunk memes with facts. It's like bringing tap-shoes to a gunfight.

Photographier: c'est mettre sur la meme ligne de mire la tete, l'oeil et le coeur.

My leg was pulled on social media with memes and jokes due to my 'sanskaari' image.

Our task is to create memes... Launch your meme boldly and see if it will replicate.

I discovered that funny animal pictures - memes - would get a lot of likes and shares.

I don't even know what memes are, I'm, like, an old person, so I don't really know what a meme is.

I like the app where you can make your own memes. I make memes all the time and send them to my friends.

The evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins in 1976 coined the term ‘meme’ for a unit of cultural imitation.

Humans are the reproductive organs of technology. We multiply manufactured artifacts and spread ideas and memes.

If you found a mammal with feathers, then you'd know that Darwin was wrong. Well, it's rather the same with memes.

For memes, I have an entire iPhone folder of photos that I've taken or saved because I find something about them hilarious.

Successful cult memes induce intense social interaction behaviour between cult members. This trips the attention detectors.

One of my favorite memes is one with Steve Carell about workers, and another one I really like is from 'Here Comes Honey Boo Boo.'

I love following my friend Tony Zaret on Instagram. He's a super funny comedian who makes these parodies of memes, and Instagram skits.

The Internet is especially adept at compressing humanity and making it easy to forget there are people behind tweets, posts, and memes.

I'm really interested in independent publishers and memes and mini comics. But even before that, I was interested in Japanese manga and anime.

For some reason, the parts I play, like Boromir or Ned Stark, have a life online long afterwards. I keep seeing - what do you call them - memes?

Memes just show that people are engaged about something. A meme is just a little inside joke for a group of people that care about a certain thing.

You can make an idea spread for good but you can also make an idea spread for bad and the power to make an idea spread, memetics, you know which now people talk about memes.

I definitely post a lot of memes and content that's isolated to Twitter that I wouldn't be able to do on stage because a live crowd doesn't have that same frame of reference.

I started using the Internet heavily right around the time when memes started to become their own form of entertainment. I started to get into every side of the Internet around 13-ish.

One of the biggest mistakes that people make when they think about memes is they try to extend on the analogy with genes. That's not how it works. It works by realizing the concept of a replicator.

The complexity and nuance of YouTube's culture, creators, drama, genres, styles, and memes is what makes it wonderful for people on the inside, but it is also a wall that keeps people on the outside.

I'd become a bit of a joke. People would make memes, chopping my head off in a group photo and putting a monster or ET on there. I'd be in live Q&As and these things would pop up and I'd have to just sit there.

Online, there is an irresistible social currency to being a user who has thousands of followers, who starts memes, who comes up with an idea that is turned into a movie. But I wonder how comfortable we should be with this arrangement.

One of my favourites on Instagram is @dublin_zoetrope. He does these musical theatre/Meryl Streep/Glenn Close memes that are truly hysterical. He'll take a regular photo of them and create an entire storyline, and it makes me cackle out loud.

Certainly almost everything we do and think is colored in some way by memes, but it is important to realize that not everything we experience is a meme. If I walk down the street and see a tree, the basic perception that's going on is not memetic.

The interesting question would be whether there's a Darwinian process, a kind of selection process whereby some memes are more likely to spread than others, because people like them, because they're popular, because they're catchy or whatever it might be.

The Internet now is completely full of memes, and it's interesting, the idea that instead of having a sign crotched on your door or a magnet on your fridge saying whatever cliches and bon mots, pictures laid out with some text are passed around and move really fast.

The science-fictional motif of lethal, infectious information - bad memes - is a fascinating one, with an extended history. One of the earliest instances is Robert W. Chambers's 'The King in Yellow' from 1895. Chambers's conceit is a malevolent play: read beyond Act II, and you go mad.

An Internet meme is a hijacking of the original idea. Instead of mutating by random change and spreading by a form of Darwinian selection, Internet memes are altered deliberately by human creativity. There is no attempt at accuracy of copying, as with genes - and as with memes in their original version.

As for memes, the word 'meme' is a cliche, which is to say it's already a meme. We all hear it all the time, and maybe we even have started to use it in ordinary speech. The man who invented it was Richard Dawkins, who was, not coincidentally, an evolutionary biologist. And he invented it as an analog for the gene.

Memes can be visual. Our image of George Washington is a meme. We don't actually have any idea what George Washington looked like. There are so many different portraits of him, and they're all different. But we have an image in our head, and that image is propagated from one place to another, from one person to another.

I enjoy trolls. They try to shake my confidence and bring me down with such remarks, but they never knew they helped me grow. They saw my curly hair, they saw my dark color, they saw my short stature and they started making memes. I know they can mock my appearance but they cannot claim I am corrupt or talk about my education or my eloquence.

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