Merit challenges envy.

The rich feel full of merit.

Merit clears away obstacles.

No one is mandating merit pay.

I take every job on its merits.

There is a proud modesty in merit.

It's hard to judge literary merit.

The more merit, the less affection.

To buried merit rise the tardy bust.

How can the unknown merit reverence?

Thy modesty 's a candle to thy merit.

I try to play each ball on its merit.

Envy will merit, as its shade, pursue

Great Modesty often hides great Merit.

There's no literary merit in my books.

I don't think the world works on merit.

Win on your merit, not your skin color.

There's always merit to having a debate.

The chief merit of language is clearness.

I judge each person on individual merits.

How vain, without the merit, is the name.

A coxcomb is the blockhead's man of merit.

Merit, God knows, is very little rewarded.

Misfortune is the test of a person's merit.

Fame is an accident; merit a thing absolute.

I am a believer in people succeeding on merit.

Felicity, not fluency of language, is a merit.

I judge people based on merit, on personality.

Mere bashfulness without merit is awkwardness.

I was determined to make it big on sheer merit.

Where we can compete on merit, we do very well.

Where we can compete on merit, we do very well.

Nature makes merit, and fortune puts it to work.

Personal pride is probably a bad guide to merit.

Charms strike the sight, but merit wins the soul.

The merit of all things lies in their difficulty.

We are all vainer of our luck than of our merits.

Whoever gains the palm by merit, let him hold it.

It is human to exaggerate the merits of the dead.

Merit should count more than academic background.

The name of Christ excludes all merit of our own.

Hang your merit. I don't seek anyone's approbation.

I love those who do not know how to live for today.

Ask any soldier. To kill a man is to merit a woman.

Elitism is the slur directed at merit by mediocrity.

More glorious to merit a sceptre than to possess one.

Merit rather enforces respect than attracts fondness.

None merits the name of Creator but God and the poet.

If you desire praise or esteem, endeavor to merit it.

Evidently the merit depends on the result of the work.

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