Mike Tyson has become larger than life.

I see Mike Tyson as too strong for Spinks.

I would welcome a Mike Tyson fight with open arms.

Mike Tyson has been given every penny he has coming.

I actually gave Mike Tyson his 'Iron Mike' nickname.

Mike Tyson and Kool G Rap had lisps - lisps always been cool!

Mike Tyson was one of the most terrific athletes I've ever met.

Nothing is going to stop Mike Tyson that doesn't have a motor attached.

I knew I'd conquered America when Mike Tyson told me I was one mean lady.

I study Floyd Mayweather, Mike Tyson, Roy Jones Jr and Sugar Ray Leonard.

I was a huge Mike Tyson fan growing up; his fights were always on in my house.

Mike Tyson is a good boxer, but he is not the best fighter. I am the best fighter.

I remember seeing Sugar Ray Leonard, Mike Tyson, and the old films of Sugar Ray Robinson.

People go on about weight. Mike Tyson wasn't the biggest heavyweight and he was an animal.

I wanted to look like Mike Tyson. But then I started to realize, in a twelve round fight, you must be patient.

I thought the Mike Tyson story was beautiful and it drew me in. He was bullied, a small kid who started knocking out giants.

Mike Tyson and I came up together in the streets, and being around people like him, I learned what goes on behind the scenes.

Although there's been a fighter before me called Mike Tyson, I'm my own Tyson. I'm Tyson Fury. I ain't trying to be anybody else.

There's so much pressure on becoming the next Muhammad Ali or Mike Tyson, and if you don't achieve that in boxing, you're nothing.

Mike Tyson as a kid was a mark, he loved wrestling. So that was something he loved to do when he had the opportunity to participate.

I don't fight like Mike Tyson. I'm nothing at all like Mike Tyson. I'm out to build my own legacy and not live off anyone else's name.

I was a huge Mike Tyson fan, would sit through the night watching boxing matches and would hit the bag at every opportunity I would get.

I got my very last tattoo after my father died. I'm not getting anymore; otherwise I'll end up like Mike Tyson with a tattoo on my face.

I come from where Mike Tyson came from. I come from right across the street from Jay-Z. I didn't have a pond in my backyard. I saw violence.

I just got into Mike Tyson. My security people kept saying, 'Haven't you seen him yet?' Well, I finally did, and he's got a real knockout punch.

Every morning I wake up in a home where Mike Tyson previously laid in the bed and he earned over $500 million his career. It makes me conscious.

Some people who love boxing might love Mike Tyson, but people outside of the sport are generally repulsed by him and therefore, repulsed by the sport.

The first time I got recognized in the Sates, it was by Mike Tyson. He sang 'Cruel Summer' at us as we were walking out of the hotel to go to the beach.

I think the WWE is a great place for professional athletes. Floyd Mayweather did it. Mike Tyson has done it. Even Donald Trump has appeared in the ring.

Kids always used to come up and ask me if I ever fought Mike Tyson, and I used to tell them that we couldn't because we were in different weight classes.

My dad calls me 'Mac' a lot, from 'Mike Tyson's Punch Out' - Little Mac is the main character. I was obsessed. I can still beat Mike Tyson on 'Punch Out.'

Mike Tyson would have been a good sparring partner for me and Muhammad Ali because Tyson was a fast fighter and he could punch and throw good combinations.

Wouldn't you love to see Mike Tyson and Evander Holyfield go one more time? It's not like just one of them has aged. They've both aged. They're both icons.

Watching some heavyweights like Mike Tyson, he inspired me to work with my speed because he beat people with power, but most of the time, he beat people with speed.

What I know about Mike Tyson, I see in the boxing ring. As far as all of the gossip stuff that I hear about him, I know first hand to take that with a grain of salt.

I'd see people being really successful, whether it was my teammates or big-name fighters like Muhammad Ali and Mike Tyson, and I'd think, 'I want to be a legend like that.'

As Mike Tyson says, everybody has a plan until they get hit in the mouth. The one thing we know about American presidential politics is you're going to get hit in the mouth.

What makes a champion great is how he dethrones the guy before him. Look at Mike Tyson against Trevor Berbick and how he crushed him. You have to rip the title away from him.

I'm not here to judge Mike Tyson. I'm not here to judge nobody. I'm not here to monitor no other fighters. I respect him for what he did in the sport of boxing. He was an entertainer.

I do jiu-jitsu my whole life, so why would I try to stand and bang with Mike Tyson? I'm going to learn boxing in six months because my opponent is good in boxing? That makes no sense.

When Mike Tyson was only 18, his managers used to market him on posters, reminding you that if your grandfather had missed Joe Louis, or your father Muhammad Ali, don't you miss Tyson.

My little brother and I, we're just in our generation. We're doing the best job we can do. There were champions like Mike Tyson who fought everybody, and not everybody was just as good.

Ever since Mike Tyson was champ, twenty-something dudes have microwaved nachos, popped opened Natty Lights, watched sharks do unspeakable things on TV, and whispered a billion 'Whoa, dudes.'

I really, truly appreciate Conor McGregor's style - his fighting style and the way he talks. The reason why is because he reminds me of a young Mike Tyson, a young Muhammad Ali, the way he talks.

I'm not a fighter, but I would love to be a boxer because I love the courage and toughness. I mean, there can be nothing more terrifying than walking into an arena and looking at Mike Tyson in the ring.

I cannot come and suddenly put on a persona. Like, I cannot be Mike Tyson. When you saw him it was raw, it was intense, 'I want to hurt you.' But now everybody tries it. I don't enjoy that. It's not real.

Mike Tyson is the most complex person I've ever met in my life. I've known Mike since 1986. We're both from Brooklyn. I didn't know him growing up, but once he became heavyweight champion, I knew him then.

Mike Tyson loved throwing hooks to the body and then coming up, even with the same hand... He knew that he was on the inside, and from there he had the perfect angle to come right up instead of going around the elbows.

There are a lot of fighters with no family support, but your family are honest with you. Look at the types who were around Mike Tyson. They are not going to tell you when you are wrong; they'll just call you the champ.

I went to America and beat Shawn Porter, a guy that was being called a 'mini Mike Tyson' and that most people were saying was going to take over from Floyd Mayweather. I went to his backyard and ripped his title off him.

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