Both my parents were mild, gentle people.

I think I suffer from some mild depression.

Catfish has a nice firm texture and mild flavor.

My friends will tell you that I'm a very mild person.

No aspect of my brief and mild fame actually made me happier.

My mother, who was quite sharp when I was young, became utterly mild.

Yes, I think women are really hot. I am, pretty much, a mild lesbian.

Of Manners gentle, of Affections mild; In Wit a man; Simplicity, a child.

Queso fresco, which is a very mild cheese, is definitely one of my favorites.

Our New England climate is mild and equable compared with that of the Platte.

We might want to figure out what are the positive effects of autism - mild cases.

Ed Miliband is obviously a mild guy. I don't expect him to pretend to be a pugilist.

I have this kind of mild nice-guy exterior, but inside my heart is like a steel trap.

I've never been the sort of firebrand that I've been made out to be. I'm actually quite a mild person.

I think I had a mild case of Asperger's as a younger guy, but that typically just wears off after a while.

The World Health Organization has recognized acupuncture as effective in treating mild to moderate depression.

At times we were criticized for doing too much slapstick. I don't believe in mild comedy, and neither does Lucy.

Single parenting is sometimes just a case of sitting around by yourself in mild despair, not knowing what to do.

I don't eat dairy, and I've been gluten-free ever since I took a blood test that showed I have a mild allergy to gluten.

I had had some months of depression. Not serious enough to keep me from work. So, I guess you'd call that a mild depression.

I've slept through a mild earthquake in Italy. And also a very tight hockey game where people were screaming their heads off.

Coffee is already known to be a preventive factor against mild depression, Parkinson's disease, and colon and rectal cancers.

Let me recommend the best medicine in the world: a long journey, at a mild season, through a pleasant country, in easy stages.

I think I had a mild case of Asperger's as a younger guy, but that typically just wears off after a while. For some people, anyway.

Albacore tuna has a mild flavor that's delicious served raw or seared briefly on the outside so that it's still rare on the inside.

I am a mild introvert. But I have learned to be a very successful extrovert because if you want impact, you have to work with people.

I don't want to act as though my deployment was particularly rough, because it wasn't. I had a very mild deployment; I was a staff officer.

I actually think of being funny as an odd turn of mind, like a mild disability, some weird way of looking at the world that you can't get rid of.

I use Redken color on my hair and use mild shampoos that don't strip your hair of color. If I need to, I'll use a good colored mousse in between.

I have a condition called Aspergers Syndrome, which is like a mild form of autism It means I don't interact properly in certain social situations.

Urfa chillies are a Turkish variety that are mild on heat but big on aroma. They're sweet, smoky, a lovely dark red, and go with just about anything.

Honduras in 2009 and Paraguay in 2012 were low-hanging fruit, small countries with outsized oligarchies, where mild reformers were easily dispatched.

Most English people are horrified that I use soap, but I like it - it works for my skin. I try different soaps all the time, but I use very mild ones.

In 1790 we had less than eight hundred thousand slaves. Under our mild and humane administration of the system they have increased above four millions.

I did have friends who have suffered from schizophrenia and mild dissociative identity disorder, as well as more extreme cases of social anxiety disorder.

With both kids, I started working out again at 16 days postpartum, but I treated myself with kindness, doing mild workouts, because my fitness level was lower.

Now, bipolar disorder, it goes on a spectrum. There's very severe conditions of it and there are milder ones. I'm lucky enough that it's reasonably mild in my case.

I am not a Caspar Milquetoast, but most of the time, I'm mild. I can afford to be because I don't have the fears that most men have about masculinity or macho-ness.

Remember that when you meet your antagonist, to do everything in a mild agreeable manner. Let your courage be keen, but, at the same time, as polished as your sword.

One big question that's come up is: Has autism increased on the mild side of things? I don't think so - they've always been here. Some of this is increased detection.

On a mild day in January 2011, Republicans in the House voted to repeal the Affordable Care Act. It was the first of more than 80 attempts to dismantle the landmark law.

Every wise, just, and mild government, by rendering the condition of its subjects easy and secure, will always abound most in people, as well as in commodities and riches.

All the dark, malevolent Passions of the Soul are roused and exerted; its mild and amiable affections are suppressed; and with them, virtuous Principles are laid prostrate.

My father is somebody I admire and would like to be. He is a mild man and a gentleman. Even though he was from a conservative background, he was so open to my doing theatre.

Common perceptions of female friendships are morning coffees discussing children, bags, periods and agreeing about the misdemeanours of men... mild, soft, nurturing relationships.

Relatively mild gusts of wind blow some trees down. Graceful palm trees, for example, are lovely to look at but will not stand up in a heavy wind because they are not well anchored.

I have mild social anxiety to an extent where, when I'm talking to a new person, literally the only thing I can think in the back of my head is: 'What do I say when they're done talking?'

A plate of food has to have balance. For example, a mild fish like skate mustn't be overwhelmed by the side dishes. They should have personality and color, but they also have to be subtle.

My first memory - at about four - was of numbers. The doctors who study me think a combination of mild autism and seizures I had when I was three have made me experience numbers the way I do.

Agave nectar is a good substitute for refined sugars. It has a relatively low glycaemic index, which means it doesn't cause quick rises in blood sugar levels. It also has a nice, mild flavour.

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