Every milestone is special.

Windows 95 was a nice milestone.

Milestones aren't what I think about much.

My son going to college is a big milestone.

A milestone is less date and more definition.

Life isn't about milestones, it's about moment

Crossing the Gobi was a real milestone for me.

Every film has been a personal milestone for me.

'Breathless' was an important milestone in my life.

I think definitely 'Robot 2' is a milestone in my career.

My first WrestleMania, which was WrestleMania 4, was a milestone.

All children accomplish milestones in their own way, in their own time.

As a pass-rusher, 100 sacks is a big milestone. My 100th sack was on Joe Webb.

Korea's early repayment of the full amount of loans from the IMF is a major milestone.

'Lady Chatterley's Lover' is a novel that constitutes a milestone of English literature.

Partnering up with the Monster Energy Outbreak Tour marks a milestone moment in my career.

The commencement of coal mining at Parsa Kente is a milestone event in coal mining sector.

'Love/Hate' was a milestone in terms of working on something at home that felt very special.

When you are 20, 40 looks really old. When I was nearing 30, that seemed like a major milestone.

If nothing else, the act of reaching a milestone often serves to reveal a superstar's true nature.

It would be hard to make a movie worse than the first 'Ocean's Eleven,' the 1960 Lewis Milestone film.

Only sixteen players have hit fifty or more homers in a season. To me, that's a very special milestone.

Women can't do everything at the same time, we need to understand milestones in our lives comes in segments.

The U.K. crowds always have a lot of energy, and I've done some milestone shows there that I'm very proud of.

To do anything with someone like Bono or someone would be like, you know, a milestone, I think, as a musician.

And there have certainly been movies I wanted to be in and milestones I wanted to surpass that did not happen.

Poems in a way are spells against death. They are milestones, to see where you were then from where you are now.

I've discovered that every time I've reached a milestone I think I'm there, but there's another there waiting for me.

A great artist is never a closed subject, but this catalogue is a milestone production, as useful as it is beautiful.

'Sacred Games' is a huge milestone in my career, as I have never received such fame, attention, and success in my life.

The opportunity to co-host a program within the 'Fox & Friends' franchise is truly an incredible milestone in my career.

My dream was always to be in museums. It's a big and important milestone and a fulfillment of one of my primary ambitions.

The substitution of the internal combustion engine for the horse marked a very gloomy milestone in the progress of mankind.

The 3,000th episode is a great milestone for 'Hollyoaks,' so it was just really nice and a big honour to play a part in it.

All I wanted was for the public to be able to have a say in how they are governed. That is a milestone we left a long time ago.

Honestly, as a rapper, the Freshman list is definitely the biggest milestone. Culture-wise - anything-wise - that's the biggest stamp.

I have danced, sung, been a part of a reality show, and the outcome is that I am a part of 'Batla House' and 'Bharat,' which is a milestone.

Good intentions aren't enough. People have good intentions when they set a goal to do something, but then they miss a deadline or other milestone.

There's a historical milestone in the fact that our Apollo 11 landing on the moon took place a mere 66 years after the Wright Brothers' first flight.

I've been a dedicated 'NBA 2K' fan since I was young, and being selected as the face of 'MyNBA2K17' is an incredible milestone this early in my career.

Winning the Intercontinental Title for the first time, in 2010, was a real milestone, as I grew up living off some of those Intercontinental Title matches.

With every milestone that I've come across, there's always been a little note at the bottom that's said, 'Don't worry, there's another milestone coming up.'

In terms of finding that first international recognition of my work, coming back to Cannes is such a milestone in my life because it began actually with 'Devdas'.

The first footfalls on Mars will mark a historic milestone, an enterprise that requires human tenacity matched with technology to anchor ourselves on another world.

The opportunity to be a part of the closing ceremony of the Olympic Games in Rio is a huge milestone in my career, and it will be the biggest performance of my life.

Usually, one day in a century rises above the others as an accepted turning point or historic milestone. It becomes the climactic day, or 'the day,' of that century.

On behalf of the entire Lionsgate team, it is a tremendous honor and deeply humbling to join the elite group of recipients previously honored with the Milestone Award.

For all founders, going public is a momentous milestone that has to be experienced to be fully understood. It is the culmination of years of hard work and personal sacrifice.

NSS is delighted to support the New Horizons mission by helping to share this exciting milestone in space exploration with the general public in America and around the world.

The signing of the Israel-PLO accord is more than a political milestone. It is a transformative event which touches every Jewish family - physically, emotionally, spiritually.

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