I loved Roger Miller.

I kind of love Cole Miller.

It is crazy to have Judith Miller in jail.

It would be neat to sing with Roger Miller.

Mac Miller is my best friend in the industry.

Archie Miller does a fantastic job at Dayton.

Without Mac Miller, there would be no GoldLink.

Charles Miller cannot bring down my government.

I really love the Frank Miller 'Year One' stuff.

It blows my mind the way Frank Miller can write.

My first commercial was for Miller High Life beer.

I rested only two days after my loss to Jim Miller.

Jessica Alba's very beautiful; so is Sienna Miller.

Frank Miller and David Mack are incredible artists.

I lived in Indiana, and Reggie Miller was everywhere.

I'll always be known as Cheryl Miller's little brother.

The funny thing is, Dennis Miller got me back into comedy.

I think Janeane Garofalo is incredibly funny, and I love Dennis Miller.

I listen to top 40, old country, blues... I'm really into Roger Miller.

I'm really inspired by British style, like Kate Moss and Sienna Miller.

T.J. Miller and Rob Corddry and Casey Wilson, they're just great people.

I used to read a lot of Steinbeck, and I admired Roger Miller and Bob Dylan.

I'm pretty fast getting up and down the court, especially with Andre Miller.

I like Rebecca Miller and her writing. She's a tremendous writer and director.

Arthur Miller wouldn't have married me if I had been nothing but a dumb blonde.

The thing is, Mac Miller wrote all of 'Divine Feminine.' That was a great album.

I love Mac Miller. I'm a big Drake fan. I love Bob Dylan, Johnny Cash, Bob Marley.

I like Jon Stewart. He's not as obnoxious as Dennis Miller, whom I really can't stand.

T.J. Miller and Kumail Nanjiani I met when I was in Chicago, learning how to do comedy.

Tim Miller is a very good friend of ours. We'd love to see 'Deadpool' jump into the MCU.

One of my best friends, James Miller, managed to find the only Cubs hat that is all red.

I was fortunate to work with some very powerful producers like Tom Miller and Bob Boyett.

Two of my favourite books are Henry Miller's 'Tropic of Cancer' and 'Tropic of Capricorn.'

Mitch Miller knew exactly what he wanted me to sing. He didn't want me to improvise at all.

Miller is not really a writer but a non-stop talker to whom someone has given a typewriter.

Braxton Miller is a special football player and has been special since he stepped on campus.

I was born in Boston, Massachusetts on May 16, 1923, the only child of Joel and Sylvia Miller.

When John Kerry and Zell Miller and George Bush can agree on an issue, you know it's got legs.

I got to know Australians well working on the 'Mad Max' franchise with director George Miller.

I think Von Miller's got great style. For a defensive end, I think he has receiver-type style, swag.

I guess I'm like Roger Miller who used to say that he didn't have as many jokes as he thought he did.

There has been a rather unpleasant sensibility apparent in Frank Miller's work for quite a long time.

I always thought backpack swag was cool, but the more I do it, the more it is in light of Mac Miller.

I think it's long overdue, and I believed that Doris Miller should have been honored a long time ago.

Henry Miller, Jack Kerouac, Albert Camus, Graham Greene - they influenced my life to a profound extent.

I just think that Stephen Miller is completely tone deaf when it comes to reforming our immigration system.

Show dancing stood very well on its own a long time ago with dancers like Bill Robinson and Marilyn Miller.

I was the second guy to submit Jim Miller, so I'm up there in catching guys that have been deemed uncatchable.

When I got divorced, the first people I called were Nick Kroll and John Mulaney and T. J. Miller - all the pals.

I wanted to be Buck Owens and Bill Anderson and Roger Miller. With a higher-resolution video screen. And lasers.

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