Our whole constitutional heritage rebels at the thought of giving government the power to control men's minds.

I liberate minds with my music. That's more important than liberating a few people from apartheid or whatever.

I believe that you live on inside the hearts and minds of everyone you've touched while you were here on earth.

Wars begin in the minds of men, and in those minds, love and compassion would have built the defenses of peace.

Plays are getting smaller and smaller, not because playwrights minds are shrinking but because of the economics.

If we have not quiet in our minds, outward comfort will do no more for us than a golden slipper on a gouty foot.

A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds, adored by little statesmen and philosophers and divines.

People are going to say what they want to say and think what they want to think, and I can't change their minds.

Many people, men in particular, just can't not be active. I guess our minds demand that we seek other challenges.

I've been surrounded by some of the best economic minds in the country, and hopefully I've absorbed some of that.

The purpose of learning is growth, and our minds, unlike our bodies, can continue growing as we continue to live.

The trouble with most people is that they think with their hopes or fears or wishes rather than with their minds.

We are obliged to regard many of our original minds as crazy at least until we have become as clever as they are.

I love men - everything about them: the way they look, the way they smell, the way they feel. I love their minds.

Emotionally, in our minds, we get so filled with resentments where we've got a story about absolutely everything.

All that is noble in the world's past history, and especially the minds of the great and the good, are never lost.

The wise are instructed by reason, average minds by experience, the stupid by necessity and the brute by instinct.

Hamilton had one of those extraordinary 18th-century minds that touched on virtually every major topic of the day.

In truth, the only restrictions on our capacity to astonish ourselves and each other are imposed by our own minds.

We are now able to put our minds in other places in the universe with the use of telescopes. That is very exciting.

I think it's a pity that in many people's minds constitutional reform and PR have come to mean much the same thing.

To understand the true quality of people, you must look into their minds, and examine their pursuits and aversions.

God will not damn a lunatic's soul. He knows that the powers of evil are too great for those of us with weak minds.

Our species needs, and deserves, a citizenry with minds wide awake and a basic understanding of how the world works.

The true aim of everyone who aspires to be a teacher should be, not to impart his own opinions, but to kindle minds.

The minds of men are at last aroused; reason looks out and justifies her own, and malice finds all her work is ruin.

Who knows whether in retirement I shall be tempted to the last infirmity of mundane minds, which is to write a book.

Ambition is an idol, on whose wings great minds are carried only to extreme; to be sublimely great or to be nothing.

You can't just beat a team, you have to leave a lasting impression in their minds so they never want to see you again.

When we, as a nation, put our minds to something, when we truly choose to care about something, change always happens.

Some minds improve by travel, others, rather, resemble copper wire, or brass, which get the narrower by going farther.

As all Art depends on Vision, so the different kinds of Art depend on the different ways in which minds look at things.

What we learn only through the ears makes less impression upon our minds than what is presented to the trustworthy eye.

Freedom in art, freedom in society, this is the double goal towards which all consistent and logical minds must strive.

Amongst the minds of animals that of man leads, not as a demigod from another planet, but as a king from the same race.

Death seems to provide the minds of the Anglo-Saxon race with a greater fund of amusement than any other single subject.

It is an endless and frivolous Pursuit to act by any other Rule than the Care of satisfying our own Minds in what we do.

The first complete sentence out of my mouth was probably that line about consistency being the hobgoblin of small minds.

I have an old-fashioned belief that Americans like to make up their own minds on the basis of all available information.

The biggest impediment to growth is in our minds and not in the world outside, and only constant in the world is change.

I'm trying to tell a story, to entertain. I try and do something that might just take people's minds off their troubles.

All my concerts had no sounds in them; they were completely silent. People had to make up their own music in their minds!

Web series are a way forward. It is a space where creative minds can express themselves without the fear of censor board.

Most of us make up our minds in the first three minutes of meeting someone whether there's a potential for a relationship.

The Tea Party people are ideologues. They are right, and no one can change their minds. There is no reason for compromise.

Nature that framed us of four elements, warring within our breasts for regiment, doth teach us all to have aspiring minds.

Crowded classrooms and half-day sessions are a tragic waste of our greatest national resource - the minds of our children.

There is something uncannily adaptive about anti-Semitism: the way it can hide, unsuspected, in the most progressive minds.

I don't pretend that I can read minds. I don't believe anybody can read minds. In other words, I don't believe in psychics.

All generous minds have a horror of what are commonly called 'Facts'. They are the brute beasts of the intellectual domain.

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