The universities deceive when they say they have no agenda other than to open minds.

Music is in all our minds and hearts and we are all free to sing anywhere we choose.

While we are making up our minds as to when we shall begin, the opportunity is lost.

I still ponder what gets in people's minds and souls, why they do the things they do.

To get education to sink deep into the minds of a nation takes a generation and more.

Poetry is the record of the best and happiest moments of the happiest and best minds.

Mediocre minds usually dismiss anything which reaches beyond their own understanding.

I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness, starving hysterical naked.

Most minds think from A to B to G to O, or hold goals and ambitions to keep them going.

Learning happens in the minds and souls, not in the databases of multiple-choice tests.

Just as our eyes need light in order to see, our minds need ideas in order to conceive.

IndyCar is what it is and in the back of our minds we all know it is a dangerous sport.

You cannot expect soldiers to change people's minds. That has to be done in other ways.

Music is always a reflection of what's going on in the hearts and minds of the culture.

The greatest minds are capable of the greatest vices as well as of the greatest virtues.

I wanted to work with people from the world, with different minds and different visions.

Books are those faithful mirrors that reflect to our mind the minds of sages and heroes.

My idea of education is to unsettle the minds of the young and inflame their intellects.

I have found that no exertion of the legs can bring two minds much nearer to one another.

I couldn't think of anything less appealing than molding the minds of tomorrow's leaders.

Literally, my first audition after 'The Life Aquatic' was for the 'Criminal Minds' pilot.

When you mutilate movies for mass media, you tamper with the hearts and minds of America.

It is a struggle for the minds of the people... No cause justifies recourse to terrorism.

Everybody's doing it. When I'm performing and I do the Dougie, the fans lose their minds.

Common sense will always prevail. America will advance the agenda for the greatest minds.

I wanted to use my experience to teach kids that racism has no place in hearts and minds.

Those who occupy their minds with small matters, generally become incapable of greatness.

It is with pain that I read of the dire effects of my book upon the minds of young girls.

Men's minds must be free, and that means the minds of all, not the minds of a select few.

Your glass will not do you half so much service as a serious reflection on your own minds.

If anybody reads a story in a magazine or book, different pictures compete in their minds.

The sure conviction that we could if we wanted to is the reason so many good minds are idle.

Minds are like flowers. If you let it sit there without soaking anything up, it will dry up.

Our minds are mysterious; our conscious brain is like a ship on a sea that is obscure to us.

The reading of all good books is like a conversation with the finest minds of past centuries.

I think it is really sad that when people lose their homes they kind of lose their minds too.

I'd dearly love to write a political book that changed the hearts and minds of men and women.

In a weird way, the drama behind the stage was sort of keeping 'Community' on people's minds.

Love works a different way in different minds, the fool it enlightens and the wise it blinds.

There's some members of the older generation who have been conditioned with such closed minds.

There's no difference in a lot of people's minds between good musicians and popular musicians.

I like feeling my way into different minds and experiences. It comes naturally and always has.

When you have parents who are a little out of their minds, somebody has to take responsibility.

I'll accept bad taste in a minute, as long as there's some great comedy minds and performances.

Education is all about igniting young minds and enabling them to attain their fullest potential.

Neither of my parents would ever stand in the way of any of their children speaking their minds.

Old minds are like old horses; you must exercise them if you wish to keep them in working order.

The key battleground in the war on terrorism, therefore, is in the minds of the American public.

I want to have a president in the U.S. who tries to win the hearts and minds of the Muslim world.

Through some combination of culture and biology, our minds are intuitively receptive to religion.

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