Simple ideas lie within the reach only of complex minds.

I was stuck as a Boomer type in a lot of people's minds.

Minds are like parachutes - they only function when open.

A lot of rock bands are truly a legend in their own minds.

Iowa voters are intelligent enough to make up their minds.

The disgrace of others often keeps tender minds from vice.

Most folks are as happy as they make up their minds to be.

People can't think when their minds are clouded with fear.

I wanted people to see me, to change their minds about me.

To different minds, the same world is a hell, and a heaven.

Let us train our minds to desire what the situation demands.

I had a variety of minds about me and all of them unsettled.

Worth begets in base minds, envy; in great souls, emulation.

Failures to heroic minds are the stepping stones to success.

Truth is always served by great minds, even if they fight it.

Very simple ideas lie within the reach only of complex minds.

There are no chaste minds. Minds copulate wherever they meet.

The best in business have boundless curiosity and open minds.

I guess it's nice to know I still resonate in people's minds.

Individuals will speak their minds, which I think is healthy.

Not all those who know their minds know their hearts as well.

A lot of times, our greatest minds are locked into a 9-5 job.

Women are more difficult to handle than men. It's their minds.

I'm interested in stories and the dark side of peoples' minds.

The walls between art and engineering exist only in our minds.

Minds that are ill at ease are agitated by both hope and fear.

Weak minds exaggerate too much the wrong done to the Africans.

Music used to change people's minds - and it still changes mine.

What the country needs is dirtier fingernails and cleaner minds.

I am of a healthy long lived race, and our minds improve with age.

Applause is the spur of noble minds, the end and aim of weak ones.

Chaos is a name for any order that produces confusion in our minds.

We really believe that whatever we put our minds to, we can achieve.

Thom Browne is, in my opinion, one of the great minds in men's wear.

Everyone has their own special set of problems - in their own minds.

The more refined and subtle our minds, the more vulnerable they are.

It's always a good idea to let the audience make up their own minds.

I don't want people in China to have deep pockets but shallow minds.

When bright young minds can't afford college, America pays the price.

We have to talk about liberating minds as well as liberating society.

Men are not prisoners of fate, but only prisoners of their own minds.

People always complain about their memories, never about their minds.

Little minds have little worries, big minds have no time for worries.

The kids are not brought up to have minds of their own as individuals.

Fortunately for serious minds, a bias recognized is a bias sterilized.

To live for a time close to great minds is the best kind of education.

I do not speak the minds of others except to speak my own mind better.

We are infected by our own misunderstanding of how our own minds work.

If we would guide by the light of reason we must let our minds be bold.

Nature has planted in our minds an insatiable longing to see the truth.

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