Evil is, good or truth misplaced.

Dirt has been shrewdly termed "misplaced material.

Enthusiasm and misplaced belief can take you a long way.

Hope sustains life, but misplaced hope prolongs recessions.

I'm a misplaced American, but don't know where I was misplaced.

I felt like I'd been misplaced in the cosmos and I belonged in Maine.

I think a policy of isolationism toward Cuba is misplaced and hasn't worked.

Women are so strange in their influence that they tempt you to misplaced kindness.

It's easy to not feel misplaced if this tidal wave of appreciation is coming your way.

Do you trust me? The question is usually asked before an admission that such trust is misplaced.

I'm a pathetic haggler and often give more than the original price out of a misplaced sense of duty.

I've never seen a moon in the sky that, if it didn't take my breath away, at least misplaced it for a moment.

The day misspent, the love misplaced, has inside it the seed of redemption. Nothing is exempt from resurrection.

In the euphoria after the Cold War, there was a misplaced notion that the UN could solve every problem anywhere.

If I have misplaced a pass, I want to know why I've done that or whether I could have looked at a different pass.

I'm interested in the human impact of the giant foot of misplaced government. After all, we encounter it every day.

This planet came with a set of instructions, but we seem to have misplaced them. Civilization needs a new operating system.

I think it's not misplaced in 'Doctor Who' to have someone who is little bit edgy and maybe a little volatile and dangerous.

What you hope for determines what you live for. What you hope for determines WHO you live for. Hope misplaced can devastate you.

The Nationalists peddle a misplaced cultural conceit that holds that everyone south of the Solway Firth is an austerity loving Tory.

There are so many people in Memphis who have real reasons to be angsty, but I was just a suburban white kid with all this misplaced rage.

Hope founded upon a human being, a man-made philosophy or any institution is always misplaced... because these things are unreliable and fleeting.

I believe that the war on drugs is a tragically misplaced use of resources - an immoral venture that produces far more suffering than it alleviates.

Very few people do bad things because they're bad. They generally do bad things because they think they're the right thing to do, but they're misplaced.

The U.S. berates China for its exchange rate policy, which Washington doesn't like. But one-sided pressure on China to change its exchange rate is misplaced.

I had Ibra at Milan, who every day would get angry about a misplaced pass, and I told him that if everyone was as talented as him, there would be no problems.

A lot of these American actors have this - in my view - misplaced view that they have to look like Action Man. The trouble is, they all run the risk of being interchangeable.

When we are angry or depressed in our creativity, we have misplaced our power. We have allowed someone else to determine our worth, and then we are angry at being undervalued.

I think I was always this person. If you see my early work, my first TV show called 'Shikast' and a lot of 'Sea Hawks.' I think I was dealing with a misplaced definition of success.

You must have to want it so badly, if there is any way you can live without it, get out of it. Being an unsuccessful actor is like having a skin disease. Make sure your passion is not misplaced.

I do not think our priorities are misplaced when we are looking at creating a whole new class of children from these gay marriages who could end up completely dependent on the State, on the taxpayers - the American people.

My career started young and I was really ambitious, and then I had success and I hung out with people who were much older. I think I might have been temporally misplaced, so I thought I was 40. It was a premature midlife crisis.

In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.

I was bullied very badly in high school. I was a very successful kid. I sold my first company at a young age. There was a lot of misplaced rage in high school towards me. My brothers and sisters identified it as bullying, but I didn't at the time.

I was in China when Pokemon fever hit, and I got it bad. But as I got older, I didn't stay with it. My binder full of rares has since disappeared. I have refused to play the other games like the newest 'Pokemon X/Y' out of some misplaced hipster angst.

There are such wonderful blessings in my life - I have this amazing baby, an amazing family, and I loved X Factor - all these moments of joy, and then these sharp drop-offs. I'd be awake, lying in bed, crying. There's these weird moments of misplaced anger I have.

Most creatures in nature die consciously. Cobras, for instance, choose a particular place on a particular branch of the tree. Many a times, I would try to force-feed them out of my misplaced compassion, but they would just puke and go back to sit on the same branch.

The idea that RBI will be able to make a big transfer to the government was misplaced. It was a very good signalling device that the government was very serious about cracking down on corruption and black money. But I do not think it was very effective in curbing it.

When I played a club in Salt Lake City, I complained to the crowd about the low turnout. It's always good to berate the people who paid to see you because you're upset about the people who didn't show up. It's called misplaced anger, and without it, I wouldn't have an act.

Criticism is an interesting beast. For some of us, it can be received, regardless of tone, and used to learn more about ourselves and work. For most, it can shut us down, belittling the opposing side's opinion, testing their 'experience' in our field of choice, and ultimately leading to a harder stance, often misplaced.

Technology is the perfect refuge for African capability stifled elsewhere by badly run governments and years of misplaced foreign aid. Ubiquitous connectivity in a world without legacy infrastructure, together with the potential to learn coding or anything else online, has allowed technology entrepreneurship to flourish.

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