Here is the test to find whether your mission on Earth is finished: ...

Here is the test to find whether your mission on Earth is finished: if you're alive, it isn't.

I'm a man on a mission.

Every mission accomplished.

Stay focused on the mission.

I've been on a tweeting mission.

If I'm a leader, I have a mission.

My mission is to eradicate poverty.

One doesn't necessarily have a mission.

All of us have a mission here on Earth.

I know how to stay focused on a mission.

Every mission has life-or-death moments.

Every shuttle mission's been successful.

I reject Donald Trump's mission of America.

I love 'Lost' and 'Mission: Impossible III.'

Too much youth, hunger, mission, and talent.

Mining is like a search-and-destroy mission.

That's my mission: to make you feel something.

Make your life a mission - not an intermission.

My mission in life is to preserve craftsmanship.

My mission is to grow business in Silicon Alley.

This mission was the project of a decade's work.

My life mission is to spread peace to the world.

You have to live the mission... love what you do.

There has to be a global mission of human progress.

It takes a few years to prepare for a space mission.

Britain should definitely be part of a Mars mission.

I don't have a mission. I don't have a torch to burn.

Our mission is to make the world economy work better.

Community through food is my mission; it is what I do.

There's no specific mission statement for the 'Toast.'

I thought: This is not racing, it's a suicide mission.

I felt most proud on the success of the Apollo mission.

A man with money is no match against a man on a mission.

This whole mission has surpassed all of our expectations.

I am on a mission to help make this world a better place.

Our mission is to empower people to experience the world.

I've always believed the mission is greater than the man.

Once you have a mission, you can't go back to having a job.

My measure of success is whether I'm fulfilling my mission.

To see, and to show, is the mission now undertaken by Life.

I think my whole generation's mission is to kill the cliche.

The mission of art is to represent nature not to imitate her.

I think some people are on a mission to die, and I never was.

Our mission is to serve women of color and serve them deeply.

Protecting Afghan civilians is the cornerstone of our mission.

I thought the best place to advance the AI mission is at Baidu.

I don't have time for the news clippings. I got my own mission.

My mission has always been to do something that suits everybody.

Controversies will disappear once you have a task and a mission.

We're not on a desperate mission to write chart compatible stuff.

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