I think people like to have something to have a moan about.

Why would I worry about getting older - what's to moan about?

Strive for extraordinary, don't moan, and sleep when you're dead.

I can't moan about any of it. I had a great time in the goldfish bowl.

I like to bitch and moan about lawyers, but they often have actually good points.

Coaches have told me I can help the team much more if I don't talk, if I don't moan.

People moan about Twitter, people being rude and trolling. Just turn it off. Life goes on.

Love is not the dying moan of a distant violin - it's the triumphant twang of a bedspring.

Players today moan about the number of games, but when you're young, you can't play enough.

Field hockey is my strongest sport, and if I lose a game, I take a long, hot bath and moan about it.

Before, if I'd had a stressful day, I'd go to meet my friends in the pub and have a moan. Now I go to yoga.

I am extremely content in my life - sometimes to the point where I really should find something to moan about!

So many people moan about touring and say it's a chore. I don't know, they must be living on a different planet.

All of my friends are my age and we are all ageing at the same time. We talk about it and moan, but it doesn't bother me.

We moan and groan all the time about a lack of involvement of young people. But they have taught me a lot about what moves them.

People in bands should have a responsibility not to moan, not to complain about being in bands. Things could be a lot worse, you know?

We've been fairly eclectic in our time, and we did branch out. Whenever we got a little bit too far out, people started to moan and groan a bit.

I can't stand it when writers moan about what film-makers might do or have done to their books. There's a very simple answer: don't take the money.

Differences are scarier now. The dollar isn't so guaranteed if you don't follow what they see as the norm. But I don't moan about it. I just keep working.

I was raised never to carp about things and never to moan, because in vaudeville, which is my background, you just got on with it through all kinds of adversities.

Spinners are a funny breed. If they're playing on seaming pitches they moan and if they're about to play on real 'Bunsen burners' they reckon the pressure is on them.

I think basketball harnessed and built my toughness and competitiveness. I grew up in a tough neighborhood, and you were either going to cry and moan about it or get tough.

I like pubs too, but it's hard for me to go and get proper bladdered in the way I used to. I don't want to moan about being recognised but I do get a bit of grief sometimes.

In Girls Aloud, there's always someone there to help out, to jump in on difficult questions and to moan with about how hard we're working. That camaraderie isn't there when you're solo.

It's hard for me to listen to any actors whine or moan about anything acting-related because look at the world. We really have nothing to complain about. Just to be working is a blessing.

I think as much as people moan at things like award ceremonies, it gives people role models. It provides real positive reinforcement that you can be who you are and still massively achieve.

I don't know why comedians moan about touring; you get driven to a town, stay in a hotel, work for an hour and a half with nice people, and eat fatty service station food. There's nothing not to like.

We thrust our fingers into our ears to stop its moan; but it was no good; the cry cut like a drill into our heads, dragging minutes into hours, hours into years. We withered and grew old between those cries.

When you feel the need to moan and groan, laugh with woeful recognition and eat flaky pastries. If you hear yourself taking the art of complaining a little too seriously, ask yourself what you're trying to accomplish, exactly.

It always depresses me when people moan about how commercial Christmas is. I love everything about it. The tradition of having this great big feast, slap bang in the middle of winter, is an essential thing to look forward to at the end of the year.

In films, I didn't crave the type of attention I had sort of stumbled into in my music career. And I do not audition well. I'm really not good at it. Early on, I did movies like 'Alpha Dog' and 'Black Snake Moan' because the directors didn't ask me to audition.

Take a sound from whatever source, a note on a violin, a scream, a moan, a creaking door, and there is always this symmetry between the sound basis, which is complex and has numerous characteristics which emerge through a process of comparison within our perception.

I don't really want to just play the girlfriend or the love interest. I get so many scripts like that, and - not to moan, because I'm really fortunate - but I just look at those scripts, and my heart sinks a little bit because I think there's so much more to us than that.

Get up, groan, write a bit, moan, eat breakfast, write some more, cycle my bike through the Sligo hills, make up country songs as I pedal along, sing them, have lunch, have a nap, groan, moan, write a small bit more, cook dinner, feed wifey, open a bottle, or several, slump, sleep.

In Germany, we laugh at it. Mourinho just selects a topic to moan about - transfers, team preparation, a rival coach. But Pep Guardiola wants it all to be about the performance of his team. He's obsessed by possession, like at Bayern Munich, and will not compromise on that at Manchester City.

When men get together, they moan about their wives. The commentary provided on marriage between groups of men is typically one from a viewpoint that assumes marriage to be life's greatest, most unfun mistake. Not only is it often as disingenuous as Joe Biden's hairline, but it's incredibly harmful.

Scientists habitually moan that the public doesn't understand them. But they complain too much: public ignorance isn't peculiar to science. It's sad if some citizens can't tell a proton from a protein. But it's equally sad if they're ignorant of their nation's history, can't speak a second language, or can't find Venezuela or Syria on a map.

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