I am a monkey fan.

You never monkey with the truth.

I got a pet monkey called Charlie Chan.

I'm sorry, I'm not a performing monkey.

I was a monkey child. I was like a clown.

Dance Monkey' showed me that I'm good enough.

Dance Monkey' is about the bad side of busking.

I'm not very good at being a performing monkey.

As a child, I loved to climb on the tree, like a monkey.

The surest way to make a monkey of a man is to quote him.

The president is here, strong and firm as a monkey's tail.

I learned the way a monkey learns - by watching its parents.

Perry Farrell is so gross, and his wife looks like a monkey.

Jayalalitha is a performing monkey in the hands of Sasikala.

If you had a million Shakespeares, could they write like a monkey?

My favorite special skill on my resume is 'excellent monkey noises.'

Wearing a monkey suit really lets you know where you stand as an actor.

The responses of the baby monkey are very similar to those of a human baby.

Democracy is the art and science of running the circus from the monkey cage.

Never hold discussions with the monkey when the organ grinder is in the room.

'Monkey Island 2' was a huge game for me. It kind of taught me all about comedy.

Just cause you got the monkey off your back doesn't mean the circus has left town.

The problem is to keep the monkey mind from running off into all kinds of thoughts.

Monkeys are superior to men in this: when a monkey looks into a mirror, he sees a monkey.

My big break was back in the third grade playing the third monkey in 'Horton Hears a Who.'

The fountain of youth is like the monkey's paw in the W. W. Jacobs story. It never ends well.

Comedians are the monkeys of acting. When you go to the zoo, everybody loves the monkey exhibit.

I was on 'In Search of the Partridge Family,' MTV'S 'Miss Seventeen,' and the comedy 'Love Monkey.'

I was Boots The Monkey in 'Dora The Explorer Live Dora's Pirate Adventure,' and it was the greatest!

I confess freely to you, I could never look long upon a monkey, without very mortifying reflections.

The poor monkey, quietly seated on the ground, seemed to be in sore trouble at this display of anger.

And out of a desire essentially to imitate what I was reading, I began to write, like a clever monkey.

Fans insult me and call me 'monkey.' At first, I was quite shocked, but now I do not give it importance.

Our society spends a lot of money on prison bars. For the sake of our kids, let's invest in monkey bars.

Too much free time is certainly a monkey's paw in disguise. Most people can't handle a structureless life.

If you could cross a lion and a monkey, that's what I'd be, because monkeys are funny and lions are strong.

It does get old to have to always be a monkey in a zoo. I don't know what it's like any more to be anonymous.

I can do a really loud monkey call. I can put both my legs behind my back. And I can stick my fist in my mouth.

When I'm warming up on the sidelines, I can often hear monkey chants. Me, who played so many matches for Germany.

I need to have an outlet, and so I go and make up characters and act and sing and dance like a crazy monkey clown.

I really like the Caribbean. Anyplace in the Caribbean. I get there, and I feel like a monkey - the perfect state.

I suffered racial abuse in Lithuania, and in two games the fans were making monkey noises and throwing coins at me.

An American monkey, after getting drunk on brandy, would never touch it again, and thus is much wiser than most men.

In Africa, you know, if you're poor, at least you can go to the forest and share some mangoes with the gorillas and monkey.

A determined soul will do more with a rusty monkey wrench than a loafer will accomplish with all the tools in a machine shop.

I seem to go through phases with collecting stuff: vintage Japanese men's magazines, coconut monkey carvings, '70s belt buckles.

Frank's audience doesn't care if a girl singer, a comic or an organ grinder with a monkey opens the show. They are there to see HIM.

People go to the zoo and they like the lion because it's scary. And the bear because it's intense, but the monkey makes people laugh.

I wrote the very first stories in science fiction which dealt with homosexuality, The World Well Lost and Affair With a Green Monkey.

God, George Bush makes me want to slash my wrists. He's so embarrassing I have to leave the room when he's on the news. What a monkey.

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