I can go from wearing Jordans and Toms to platforms and heels; it just depends on my mood.

If I'm feeling like a Barbie girl, I'm gonna throw that blonde wig on. It's just the mood.

The mood state Americans are in, on average, when watching television is mildly depressed.

How I dress is the way I feel. If I'm wearing bright colors, I'm probably in a great mood.

You are affected by the surroundings, the mood of people, by confidence. I am no different.

I think the eyes are very revealing and can expose a lot about a persons mood or character.

How about we talk about your love life instead?" "Why? Are you in the mood to be depressed?

I don't like when a song goes from one mood to another unless it's going to be out of sight.

Some days I can't get an idea, and I think, 'Man, I'm just washed up,' but it's just a mood.

I am a contradictory mess but I see it as my prerogative to change my mood like the weather.

Lighting is an essential way to change the mood of a room, especially if you can use dimmers.

My mood board is archival images of Brigitte Bardot and Iman, and Naomi Campbell in the '90s.

My style mantra has been about expressing my mood for the day and it changes through the day.

A funny line can never exist on its own. It needs to be surrounded by mood and circumstances.

Mainly as an artist, I like to wear colors. I like to see colors, and it really helps my mood.

There are no reasons for my photographs, nor any rules; all depends on the mood of the moment.

I just like wearing whatever makes me feel comfortable and confident. I wear what fits my mood.

To count as transformative, a president needs to synthesize the moment and mood of the country.

Vogue is not a practical magazine, it provides sensations, feeling, moods, you like the photos.

Sonakshi Sinha's single 'Aaj mood ishqholic hai' is the worst auto-tuned song sung by an actor.

I try to make my mood uplifting and peaceful, then watch the world around me reflect that mood.

I love a nice tailored suit, but I also like to dress down. It all depends on what mood I'm in.

Sometimes I'm in the mood to wear crazy stuff, like a shirtless look with a Saint Laurent suit.

I don't know how to put on an act; I always show myself for what I am, in whatever mood I'm in.

The mood in which my book was conceived and executed, was in fact to some extent a passing one.

When I'm in the mood for room service, my favorite order is a peanut-butter-and-jelly sandwich.

I write songs about real things... The subject dictates the mood and it goes from there, really.

What I'm working on is for people to be able to say that Kippenberger had this really good mood.

When I wake up in a bad mood, I try not to stay in one. Learn to make the best of what you have.

Many exercise forms - aerobic, yoga, weights, walking and more - have been shown to benefit mood.

A sports writer is a stylist of some kind. He is trying to convey mood and character and emotion.

I watch the goals to get me in the mood and to give myself a vision of how I want the game to go.

Neil Lennon was a great manager; he really got your team in the mood and wanting to play for him.

Style is an expression of your individuality. Who you are and what your mood is, is what you wear.

When a guitarist can evoke a certain mood through his playing, that's what's most important to me.

Time cools, time clarifies; no mood can be maintained quite unaltered through the course of hours.

If I go on a diet and work out, I'm always in a bad mood. I'd rather be a little heavier but nice.

There's nothing so improves the mood of the Party as the imminent execution of a senior colleague.

Right from the jump, I knew 'Mood' was gonna be huge because I'd never had a song debut so strong.

You have to have the right atmosphere, really be in the right mood to really fully enjoy a Cohiba.

I always choose music based on whatever the scene calls for, or whatever my mood is supposed to be.

Whenever a man encounters a woman in a mood he doesn't understand, he wants to know if she's tired.

Environment plays a huge role in my ability to creatively focus and my mood - for better and worse.

If I don't do some sort of exercise in a day, I do get in a terrible mood. That's always been true.

Just don't go to a place where everything is too expensive... it'll put your husband in a bad mood.

Let Harlequin be taken with a fit of the colic, and his trappings will have to serve that mood too.

Also, I just think of Draco and he gets me in the right mood. He just keeps getting worse and worse.

I'm not good at dressing up fancy; I always just do my thing, which is whatever I'm in the mood for.

With 'Opening Credit,' we were trying to establish a certain tone and put people in a specific mood.

There is no proper time and place for reading. When the mood for reading comes, one can read anywhere

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