I'm always gonna be smiling. I'm always gonna be in a good mood.

I'm a pretty positive person, so a bad mood is quite a big deal.

Everybody knew that being dead could put you in a terrible mood.

I'm known for changing halfway through the day if my mood swings.

The winding down of summer puts me in a heavy philosophical mood.

When my inner mood is positive, I also feel great on the outside.

Just having plants around helps with your mood. You feel relaxed.

Every song has a mood, a situation and a different kind of score.

Every meaning is a projection of the viewer's inarticulate moods.

It's fun to channel a different mood and character through makeup.

I don't wait for moods - you'd never get anything done if you did.

The gazelles so gentle and clever Skip lightly in frolicsome mood.

I act like I'm always in a good mood when I'm not, but it's my job.

The TEN Commandments are not prefaced with "If you're in the mood".

Every book is good to read which sets the reader in a working mood.

My mood depends heavily on what happens to me right after I get up.

Goat curry and a female librarian, that's what I'm in the mood for.

Christmas is a mood, a quality, a symbol. It is never merely a fact.

A bad mood is like bad breath. Both are wrong to inflict onto others

Don't wait until you're 'in the mood.' Get into the mood by writing.

I look at performance clothes as setting the mood for the whole show.

My father would take me to the playground, and put me on mood swings.

I recognize that knitting can improve my mood in trying circumstances

Listening to 'Songs in the Key of Life' always puts me in a good mood.

How we see the world changes all the time. It all depends on our mood.

I can control the weather with my moods. I just can’t control my moods.

...Your angry and jealous and in the mood to do some forceful dentistry

I believe that any art communicates what you're in the mood to receive.

My real hair color is kind of a dark blonde. Now I just have mood hair.

We not not our feelings. We are not our moods. We not even our thoughts.

My style reflects my mood, the place I'm in, and the place I'm going to.

There's nothing better than listening to music that compliments my mood.

In listening mood she seemed to stand, The guardian Naiad of the strand.

I like to look at my personal style as an extension of my mood that day.

I started writing seriously when I was about 12. I am always in the mood.

Everything is always going through changes in terms of attitudes or mood.

In that sweet mood when pleasant thoughts bring sad thoughts to the mind.

I used flowers because they die. My mood was darkly romantic at the time.

Dreams, remembered or not, can color our mood for a good part of the day.

I truly do feel like scent can change your mood and the feeling in a room.

Nature is in austere mood, even terrifying, withal majestically beautiful.

Now that I'm a parent, I understand why my father was in a bad mood a lot.

I kind of see clothes a bit like role-playing, depending what mood I'm in.

The thing with pretending you're in a good mood is that sometimes you can.

I never plan my speech. Very often the audience triggers me into the mood.

Punjabi songs are fun. They help to cheer up the environment and the mood.

Music is extremely important to have on photo shoots - it brings the mood.

Something that can instantly lift my mood is hitting the gym with a friend.

I have an eclectic pallet of music that I listen to. It depends on my mood.

Every performance is different because I'm different; my mood is different.

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