If you want a happy ending, that depends, of course, on where you stop your story.

I've known Ben Stiller for a minute. One of my first movies was 'Along Came Polly.'

Movies that encourage empathy are more effective than those that objectify problems.

My movies were the kind they show in prisons and airplanes, because nobody can leave.

A lot of times you get credit for stuff in your movies you didn't intend to be there.

The length of a film should be directly related to the endurance of the human bladder.

I just want to see a good movie. Fortunately, good movies come in all sorts of genres.

I'm a big fan of horror movies. But I prefer visceral to viscous, let's just say that.

Movies are not scripts - movies are films; they're not books, they're not the theatre.

I laugh, cry, go for movies, eat popcorn. All these things are pretty relaxing for me.

Movies don't make people act a fool. People act a fool because they want to act a fool.

In cartoons, in movies, time passes differently. There are flashbacks and flashfowards.

'Jolly LLB' is one of my favorite movies. Courtroom films are rare to come by in Telugu.

A story should have a beginning, a middle and an end, but not necessarily in that order.

It's a great feeling to think that I can be a friend to so many people through my movies.

Movies are a complicated collision of literature, theatre, music and all the visual arts.

A filmmaker has almost the same freedom as a novelist has when he buys himself some paper.

Movies are something people see all over the world because there is a certain need for it.

I can get inspired, like anyone, from movies or music or TV or a certain way people think.

The movies we love and admire are to some extent a function of who we are when we see them.

TV has the most reach among the audience. Movies are watched only by those who like cinema.

I was very influenced by movies; I was very influenced by a world that had a sense of dream.

I think a sequel is a waste of money and time. I think movies should illuminate new stories.

The Shining' is one of the few horror movies that I actually like and it actually scared me.

Nostalgia, the vice of the aged. We watch so many old movies our memories come in monochrome.

You can map your life through your favorite movies, and no two people's maps will be the same.

I just like movies that somehow expose the world in a way that's different than you imagine it.

I like old movies, screwball comedies, vintage clothes, and basically I'm an old-fashioned gal.

When I go into making a movie, personally, I don't try to bring other pieces of movies with me.

Horror movies are the best date movies. There's no wondering, 'When do I put my arm around her?'

The difference between life and the movies is that a script has to make sense, and life doesn't.

Sometimes in movies, I still have to be the hero, but it's not all that important to me anymore.

'The Exorcist' is one of the finest movies ever made, and it just so happens to be a scary movie.

Every time I make a picture the critics' estimate of American public taste goes down ten percent.

Success begets success. I've been offered a lot of movies now that '30 Rock' has been successful.

I'm not a real movie star. I've still got the same wife I started out with twenty-eight years ago.

I just want to sing, I want to work on my music, I want to make my movies, that's all I want to do.

I have a feeling, one of those gut feelings, that I'll make pretty good movies the rest of my life.

There are a lot of movies that are unbelievable successes that I would be mortified to be a part of.

A good film is when the price of the dinner, the theatre admission and the babysitter were worth it.

My favorite movies are 'The Notebook,' 'Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind,' and 'Wolf Children.'

Sundance is weird. The movies are weird - you actually have to think about them when you watch them.

You read a script and its based on 'Reservoir Dogs' and 'Pulp Fiction', and it goes right in the bin.

I'm not a huge fan of horror movies myself because I'm a big baby and I get too scared to watch them.

I made mistakes in drama. I thought drama was when actors cried. But drama is when the audience cries.

Some people go to the movies to be reminded that everything's okay. I don't make those kinds of movies.

I've made 122 movies, and I daresay there's a picture of mine showing somewhere in the world every day.

I love horror, I love scary movies, I love thrillers. If things creep you out and spook you? I love it.

We need a lot more positive Latin role models in movies and in television. They exist! It's not fiction.

I don't like comedy. I like funny things. I don't like comedy. Like, comedy movies are just, 'Oh Jesus.'

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