Musicians can run this state better than politicians. We won't get a ...

Musicians can run this state better than politicians. We won't get a lot done in the mornings, but we'll work late and be honest.

Our parents were musicians.

Both of my parents were musicians.

Well, my musicians are my friends.

Musicians are in-season all the time.

I'm quite tame as touring musicians go.

Musicians own music because music owns them.

The Doors were never that good as musicians.

I owe everything to the musicians I work with.

I pride myself on working with great musicians.

I think most musicians do like to have a laugh.

All musicians are subconsciously mathematicians.

For musicians, Musikfest is the most cool event.

I came from a huge extended family of musicians.

I do not play to musicians. I play to the people.

We're musicians; we're not politicians or anything.

When I want 30 musicians in the orchestra, I get 30.

What I look for in musicians is a sense of infinity.

There are more bad musicians than there is bad music.

I don't try to make 15 musicians sound like two each.

I don't really collect guitars like some musicians do.

Texas is a hotbed of insanely good bands and musicians.

On Eye of the Zombie, I had so-called studio musicians.

I sing, and the musicians kind of fit things around me.

I've been around jazz and jazz musicians most of my life.

My parents are both music lovers; they are not musicians.

I think the poets and musicians, they belong to everybody.

The wise musicians are those who play what they can master.

I see all the musicians in Blur with equal standing, really.

Both my grandfathers and my mother's brother were musicians.

Um, musicians are funnier you know, than actors on the whole.

If we perform the romantic repertoire we need more musicians.

Musicians want to be the loud voice for so many quiet hearts.

I have daughters who are writers and actors but no musicians.

The hardest thing with musicians is getting them not to play.

Passionate musicians only come from passionate five-year-olds.

All rock musicians are deaf... Or insensitive to mellow sounds.

I started playing when I was 5. I'm from a family of musicians.

Gifted women musicians and composers rarely received their due.

Musicians are, by and large, not the most politically savvy crew.

Artists and musicians of the Sixties were definitely into clothes.

The best rock musicians are the most exciting people in the world.

Don't get me wrong, I've seen some very excellent women musicians.

Musicians understand each other through means other that speaking.

I write bars, for the musicians, because they have to be together.

You know, musicians aren't very stable, in case you hadn't noticed.

Actors always want to be musicians, and musicians want to be actors.

I wish I played guitar so I could start a band with great musicians.

Great musicians need great producers. The Beatles had George Martin.

Musicians don't retire; they stop when there's no more music in them.

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