I hear music as narrative.

My shows are not narratives.

My god is narrative filmmaking.

I do fashion to tell a narrative.

Specificity is the soul of narrative.

Change the narrative, change the laws.

Narrative is the beginning of recovery.

STORY, n. A narrative, commonly untrue.

Narrative is so rich; it's given up so much.

I don't know how video game narrative works.

Partnerships are good engines for narrative.

Narrative living is the beginning of rhetoric.

If there's a narrative, I want it in the flesh.

Data coming out our ears but we lack narrative.

Difficulty is our most reliable narrative engine.

Narrative storytelling is wired into our humanity.

History is a set of skills rather than a narrative.

I am a sucker for that childhood romance narrative.

Objects are better than text at conveying narrative

I think that rap is narrative, when it's done right.

I love the freedom that the narrative form provides.

I seek to widen, narrow narratives of women of color.

Eloquence must be grounded on the plainest narrative.

The lyric self is the self; the narrative self is not.

Sooner or later the Narrative will come for each of us.

I love to dress up and create a narrative with my look.

I just don't see myself as the heroine in my own narrative.

My purpose is to make my narrative as truthful as possible.

What's important is how the character drives the narrative.

I see TV as a picture medium rather than a narrative medium.

I think sometimes a narrative can come out of a single word.

Narrative tension is primarily about withholding information.

I write short, my words tight to the thread of the narrative.

Meaning arises from loving life, not from goals or narratives.

Documentaries have always inspired me in narrative filmmaking.

The kinds of games I'm most interested in are narrative games.

History is the narrative of people searching for a place to go.

I love narrative and sometimes I feel frustrated with stand-up.

'Dhruva' is not a first person narrative of Siddharth Abhimanyu.

I create fictional narratives, but it's based on literal people.

I'm a slave to my imagination in terms of making narrative films.

People are interested in examining the way we consume narratives.

I love movies, I love television, I love narratives of all kinds.

As an author of narrative history, I read a lot of history books.

Women often get ignored from main narrative, especially in films.

Any question about narrative storytelling is answered by Dickens.

I think human beings wouldn't be human without narrative fiction.

There's not one black narrative. There's not one way to be black.

I let my narrative embroidering impulses take over in prose poems.

The power of narrative sort of defines something forever and ever.

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