I was a naughty kid.

I'm a naughty sweetheart.

I just love getting dirty.

I was quite naughty at school.

I feel every kid has to be naughty.

I was very, very naughty in school.

I was very naughty, even as a baby.

I'm only naughty when I have to be.

I'm from the dirty depths of New Jersey.

If they play dirty, then you play dirty.

Let's be naughty and save Santa the trip.

My poems are naughty, but my life is pure.

I'm a hopeless romantic with a dirty mind.

A dirty joke is a sort of mental rebellion.

Go hang yourself, you naughty mocking uncle!

There is this concept of politics as a dirty game.

In Washington, compromise has become a dirty word.

Let's not get naughty. How about homicidal instead?

How the English love playing at being naughty boys!

I was a naughty kid. Teachers did not like me much.

I see L.A. as a beautiful blonde with dirty underwear.

Claudia... you've been a very very naughty little girl.

It's tragic when people think feminism is a dirty word.

I'm not one to air my dirty laundry for the whole world.

Don't write naughty words on the wall if you can't spell!

I was a very naughty kid, who'd say 'I'd write tomorrow.'

Mind you, I was a bit of a naughty one when I was younger.

I do quite naughty things now. I do like to be a bit sexy.

I'm the gun guy, a loud guitar Dirty Harry with a ponytail.

The best contraceptive is the word no - repeated frequently.

I reject the cynical view that politics is a dirty business.

We are not naughty children, and the state is not our parent.

I hate the fact that people think compromise is a dirty word.

I don't pay to have my dirty work done for me. I do it myself.

I've been keeping my own naughty and nice list for Washington.

Quoting, like smoking, is a dirty habit to which I am devoted.

I don't watch penalties in my hotel room. I watch naughty videos

Why don't you slip into something more comfortable? Like a coma.

Ive never been that cute kid that was forgiven for being naughty.

It's important for every child to have a bit of a naughty streak.

I've never been that cute kid that was forgiven for being naughty.

An erection at will is the moral equivalent of a valid credit card.

I was called a naughty girl only because I was singing naughty songs.

Censorship feeds the dirty mind more than the four-letter word itself.

I believe in love and marriage, but not necessarily with the same person

Of course I'm naughty. I've always had to compete for attention, you see.

Kids should be naughty and go through that rebellious phase I didn't have.

I just think Christmas is a time to embrace all the naughty little things.

I had a kiss with Raquel Welch's daughter - she was a very naughty kisser.

What critics call dirty in our pictures, they call lusty in foreign films.

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