I surf the net regularly.

I love living without a net.

Leap, and the net will appear.

I don't calculate my net worth.

Net Neutrality is Internet freedom.

Everything about the Net is wonderful.

I want to stop goals going in the net.

A woman needs a man like a fish needs a net.

We have to take a long view on net neutrality.

The internet is a great way to get on the net.

The chief al Qaeda recruiting tool is the net.

Men make more money but have lower net worths.

I'd just as soon play tennis with the net down.

I served, she came to the net, it was a passing shot.

I'm not a daredevil. I don't fly without a safety net.

Spontaneity is everything to me, working without a net.

The best feeling is when you finish a point at the net.

I buy lots of my software over the net from the States.

All peoples are entangled in the net of the world market.

In many ways, we look at Uber as the safety net for a city.

Writing free verse is like playing tennis with the net down.

When it comes to .NET they've done a really outstanding job.

I think most Americans believe in a basic social safety net.

When your self-worth goes up, your net worth goes up with it.

The Net interprets censorship as damage and routes around it.

I'm not trying to climb a ladder - I'm casting a bit of a net.

You see idiots on the net but on TV you can't really find them.

I think net neutrality needs to be explored in a broader sense.

I also love to surf the Net and talk on the phone with friends.

If we don't record our own history on the Net, it will disappear.

I hope we will use the Net to cross barriers and connect cultures.

My problem lies in reconciling my gross habits with my net income.

There is a place in the net where the keeper cannot reach the ball.

Our people want jobs. They don't want a safety net as a way of life.

We're trying to make money, trying to add a zero onto our net worth.

The 'Net is a waste of time, and that's exactly what's right about it.

I keep anywhere between 5-10 percent of my net worth in venture ideas.

I like to read. I like to spend time on the Net. I like to watch movies.

I didn't have that when I invented MyPillow. I didn't have a safety net.

The sea, once it casts its spell, holds one in its net of wonder forever.

Let's not let the government sell us out. Let's fight for net neutrality.

Your net worth can fluctuate, but your self-worth should only appreciate.

It's strategic for us - lots of people will develop applications in .NET.

Net neutrality has been in place since the very beginning of the Internet.

Education's net economic benefits are greater than many other investments.

It's an incredibly important thing to make sure we preserve net neutrality.

I don't have a lot of time to surf the net and see what everyone's wearing.

Robert Lewandowski has had some criticism, but he knows how to find the net.

Obviously the more pucks you get to the net, the more the percentages go up.

I sold some shares, but on a net basis, significantly increased my ownership.

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