I'm always working on new stuff.

Every season, I get better and learn new stuff.

I love fashion. I like looking fresh and wearing new stuff.

It's great to just keep going and throw new stuff out there.

Going out and trying new stuff on an audience is a scary thing.

When it comes to Nintendo products, I gotta go with the new stuff.

Can clearly say Vegemite is horrible! Like tryin' new stuff though.

I try not to look at my old stuff or my new stuff, really. I'm not a fan.

I'm constantly doing new stuff. I'm always excited. I'm a one-man tornado.

I'm always trying out new stuff onstage. That's where I do all my writing.

I like learning new stuff, and continuing to educate myself as best I can.

What I love about 'Toast' is that there's always new stuff you can do with him.

It's hard to let new stuff in. And whether that admits a weakness, I don't know.

The game's evolving quickly, man, and somebody's gotta be trying some new stuff.

I have a very creative mind, and I'm always looking for new stuff and new things.

I love tuning into Radio 1 on a Friday night after training and hearing the new stuff.

Vertigo's always been a label that experiments with new stuff and forms of subversion.

There aren't many sites like 4chan where you can pop in every hour and see all new stuff.

My theory in anything you do is to keep exploring, keep digging deeper to find new stuff.

I've always been ahead of the curve when it came to trying new stuff in the underground scene.

I watch old school film so that I can learn so much that I just sort of miss all the new stuff.

I still love old-school hip-hop, but there hasn't been a lot that I've taken from the new stuff.

My life is like a series of comic strips, which is why I like investing: I really like new stuff.

I love listening to new stuff, at home in LA I always have the radio on to hear what is happening.

I love the idea that you would wear vintage stuff with new stuff and wear stuff that's 5 years old.

Once I was in the city, I really enjoyed it. Just to experience things. There was so much new stuff.

If you can last long enough, in success, you have to get really creative and come up with new stuff.

A good use for me is to let me go away with my sewing machine and come back with some really new stuff.

Wherever technology's going, we're cool with it. We're definitely promoters of kids trying out new stuff.

I definitely get affected by new stuff. There's a lot of older influences, but there's also newer stuff too.

I'm the kind of guy that grows, and that's what I do everyday in the gym. Work on new stuff and stay relevant.

I do probably 60 concerts a year in the States. And I go out to clubs in the week. I'm doing new stuff all the time.

The longer you live, the longer you hear the repetitiveness of things. So, it's hard to get excited about new stuff.

I'd rather do new stuff. The old stuff is better to talk about than to see. It always sounds better than it really is.

It's part of my nature. I get excited when trying out new stuff, whether it be an idea or equipment. It stimulates my juices.

A lot of times, bands will go on tour, and people only wanna hear the hits. Luckily, our fans are receptive to our new stuff.

It's a lot of work to keep reinventing yourself and coming up with new stuff, but that's what it takes to be in show business.

If you go out and just play the old stuff and never write new stuff, you're not really a complete musician, you're a performer.

If I'm in a town for very long, usually I'll work out in the comedy club just to keep my chops or work out the beats on new stuff.

Any time I get a chance to work with artists that make me inspired and learn new stuff about music - every chance I get, I'll take.

It's not enough to play the old songs; that feels like being your own covers band or something. It's a big release to do new stuff.

When I go to shows, I'm really looking forward to hearing the songs I know. I don't like it when a band tries to expose me to new stuff.

I do the functional stuff. I go to the gym and do all these things by myself. I don't have a routine. I like to do new stuff all the times.

Comics fans want new stuff that looks exactly like the old stuff. It is hard for the publishers, and even the audience, to change something.

I try new stuff every time I perform. I have steps I do that I know are definite, and stuff I can make up right then and there and then forget.

Usually, my sets are a combination of what I love, what everyone loves; some classics, some new stuff and a couple of exclusives here and there.

I listen to everything from Lady Gaga to Lady Antebellum. I've got Frank Sinatra. I've got old stuff, new stuff. Iggy Azalea. I've got everything.

I think it's important as a filmmaker, as any person working in the arts, that you've got to try new stuff and challenge yourself and take chances.

All the sounds that I make, I want to make sure there are new stuff. I don't want to follow anyone's path or anything, I want to create my own sound.

I like learning things, and I like that writing comics is an excuse to look into new stuff and research and learn new things and hopefully put them in books.

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