Girls. You never know what they're going to think.

'Tis the night - the night Of the grave's delight.

The world is a playground, and death is the night.

America is Republican until 5:00 or 6:00 at night.

We have to play as a team at our best every night.

When the rhythm and night ride, no heart can hide.

War is like night, she said. It covers everything.

As artists, we like night more than day sometimes.

I do love being in my studio. Especially at night.

Books are important. They help you sleep at night.

Night is the fatherland of the great inspirations.

Train by day, Joe Rogan podcast by night, all day.

Different cocktails for different Saturday nights.

You're gonna know my name by the end of the night.

Saturday night is the loneliest night in the week.

Nobody knew the Iron Man had fallen. Night passed.

He who take cookie to bed have crummy night ahead.

A red sun rises. Blood has been spilled this night.

I like the night, I have clearer ideas in the dark.

That was the first night I dreamed of Eward Cullen.

Shut up, I'm thinking! -Jayfeather (Night Whispers)

For precious friends hid in death's dateless night.

I got your strand of hair, I kiss it day and night.

Most spiders eat and remake their webs every night.

How long the night seems to one kept awake by pain.

I was hanging out with Jonathan Richman last night.

My goal is to be at the top of my game every night.

Music is what mathematics does on a Saturday night.

I can't miss a night's work and let my public down.

To have kids and not be there every night is tough.

One beast and only one howls in the woods by night.

Dreams are those that don't let you sleep at night.

God is in his Heaven and the first night was a wow.

I read a poem every night, as others read a prayer.

We circle in the night and we are devoured by fire.

Every night, whisper "peace" in your husband's ear.

You can sit right on my middle finger for the night

Cities, like cats, will reveal themselves at night.

Whatever causes night in our souls may leave stars.

The whisper of the dusk is night shedding its husk.

Soon comes the cold, and the night that never ends.

Sometimes at night I light a lamp so as not to see.

Got tight on absinthe last night. Did knife tricks.

Who are taking to the witch burning Saturday night?

Dawn seemed to follow midnight with indecent haste.

Devise a simple strategy so you can sleep at night.

Life is a highway. I want to ride it all night long

I'm kind of an insomniac and watch TV late at night.

The loneliness of a one night stand is hard to take.

She's singing to-night to bring the chandelier down!

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