I'd like to do 'Saturday Night Live.'

I record all night and sleep all day.

Dying is a wild night and a new road.

It's a beautiful day for a night game.

Mine is the night, with all her stars.

Night's black Mantle covers all alike.

I'm just glad it wasn't Machete Night.

The night cometh when no man can work.

What drug will keep night from coming?

The night is black, as black as night.

I am that merry wanderer of the night.

I try all night to play a pretty note.

On another night, they'd have won 2-2.

Joy rul'd the day, and Love the night.

I'm not a creature of the night, mate.

Drama - what literature does at night.

Night falls fast. Today is in the past.

There never was night that had no morn.

I like the night life, I like to boogy.

Beware thoughts that come in the night.

It was hot, the night we burned Chrome.

Clear nights are sometimes the coldest.

The significant owl hoots in the night.

It's a marvelous night for a moondance!

Sound loves to revel in a summer night.

On dreary night let lusty sunshine fall.

Satire is what closes on Saturday night.

I own the night...the heat's my receipt.

God is a dark night to man in this life.

Then stars arise, and the night is holy.

It is not night when I do see your face.

Tropical nights are hammocks for lovers.

its been a long night" "aren't they all?

It was a dark and stormy night. - Snoopy

A night without stars is a night wasted.

Being alone at night is scary sometimes.

And another day is tucked under my wing.

I was born at night, but not last night.

I saw A Hard Day's Night 12 or 13 times.

Praise day at night, and life at the end.

The nearer the dawn the darker the night.

As night falls, every joy glows brighter.

Sunset is the opening music of the night.

I love to dance and dance all night long.

Shadows fall on even the brightest hours.

I quit drinking every night, at 1:30 A.M.

...So let us welcome peaceful evening in.

Normally I sleep for 9, 10 hours a night.

Boom, crush. Night, losers. Winning, duh.

I usually sleep just a few hours a night.

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