Night and day, you are the one.

The worst losses come at night.

Last night I had a peace dream.

At night I can write for hours.

Every single night I'm nervous.

In the night all cats are gray.

...morning is the soul's night.

She gives the night its dreams.

There was no miracle that night.

Night is the mother of counsels.

Reform is not a one-night stand.

Night is the mother of thoughts.

Every night is a time for drink.

Seek happy nights to happy days.W

What hath night to do with sleep?

What a nice night for an evening.

The barbarians come out at night.

We love the night and it's quiet.

Love can sun the realms of night.

Oh, yes, I love sleepless nights.

I stew all night in my own grease.

Night was running ahead of itself.

All the animals come out at night.

Winter is the night of vegetation.

Time is purple / Just before night.

These blessed candles of the night.

We dream every night, all the time.

Twas the night before Thanksgiving.

Only night can make us whole again.

At night the sky is pure astronomy.

Dread of night. Dread of not-night.

I blame myself every night we lose.

Whatever gets you through the night

I love driving in the city at night.

I thank the Lord for the night time.

all large cities are alike at night.

Venus can see at night without eyes.

To a great night, a great Lanthorne.

Night thoughts aren't to be trusted.

Night falls fast. Today is the past.

A fantabulous night to make romance.

Ray Wilkins' day will come one night

I reboot [my Windows PC] every night.

Sable-vested Night, eldest of things.

Satire is what closes Saturday night.

It's a fine night to have an evening.

Love! Love until the night collapses!

Every woman needs a girls' night out.

France lost a great novel last night.

Good days and long nights to ya, sai.

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