Nine tenths of education is encouragement.

Nine tenths of education is encouragement.

Nine games? It's too long.

I was born nine months premature.

Fall down nine times, get up ten.

Let your poem be kept nine years.

By turns the nine delight to sing

I don't have a nine-to-five brain.

I was a cheerleader for nine years.

I was a cheerleader for nine years!

I grew up in a family of nine kids.

It takes nine tailors to make a man.

Like a cat I have nine times to die.

Possession is nine-tenths of the law.

Nine-tenths of wisdom is appreciation.

Nine men in ten are would be suicides.

The Cubs are gonna shine in sixty-nine.

I'm living a life. I have nine children.

I feel like I'm on cloud nine right now.

I'm in bed by nine. Let's get on with it.

I went to Cuba maybe eight or nine times.

Nine people can't make a baby in a month.

I've got a nine iron that says otherwise.

I'm lucky not to have a nine-to-five job.

Nine out of 10 war victims die from a gun.

I've been singing since I was nine or ten.

Nine in the box... that's a football term.

I've been playing the drums since age nine.

I like Nine Inch Nails, and I like hip-hop.

I haven't been with a woman in nine months.

The cynics are right nine times out of ten.

I never smoked a cigarette until I was nine.

We have nine hungry Rottweilers on the farm.

Eke wonder last but nine deies never in toun.

Nine-tenths of human law is about possession.

Atmosphere in a painting is nine-tenths fear.

We're all eccentrics. We're nine prima donnas.

I was in the streets at eight, nine years old.

I'll be sober ten years and married nine soon.

Nine, now eight. Are the rest of you out there?

Good intelligence is nine-tenths of any battle.

Nine-tenths of all existing books are nonsense.

I was proud of myself coming down that back-nine

I was nine-years-old when I first put on skates.

I can't do nothin except try to find cloud nine.

Don't stay in one place for eight or nine hours.

I rodeo-ed for nine years. That's my other life.

This wonder (as wonders last) lasted nine daies.

I remember my first role as a sunflower at nine.

Since luck's a nine days' wonder, wait their end.

Success is falling nine times and getting up ten.

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