No-one but me gets into my head.

In my family no-one did high level sports at all.

Advice to intellectuals: let no-one represent you.

When I go back home, I am just Jess, no-one special.

When you win or lose, no-one dies: you win, or you lose.

I'd been shouting and shouting and no-one wanted to hear me.

No-one has ever sung quite so beautifully as Karen Carpenter.

Really, no-one is bad except for serial killers and dictators.

Nobody walks over me, ever, and no-one will walk over me, ever.

I enjoy playing football, and that's about it. I'm no-one special.

I feel like no-one likes a sob story. No-one likes to hear Moanie Margaret.

No-one can replace Richard Wright - he was my musical partner and my friend.

I did things with the microphone stand that no-one else has attempted to do.

No-one has ever called me a cool dude. I'm somewhere between geek and normal.

No-one wants to see a return to the hard border between Northern Ireland and Ireland.

I'm a big fan of Kate Moss's style - no-one nails boho meets hippy chic like she does.

The great advantage of the Lib Dems is precisely that no-one knows what they stand for.

It calmed me down to see that most of the time no-one gets the scene on the first take.

No-one has a perfect life. You put a perfect life forward, but no-one has a perfect life.

If you are not happy with the song, don't sing it. Simple as that - no-one forces you to do it.

I like to be so good, that no-one can have anything to say about me; my dancing speaks for itself.

No-one posts photos of themselves on Instagram when you're eating spaghetti hoops out of a tin going 'Why?'

There's no-one in particular that we look up to, because we strive to be something that's never gone before.

I don't think the computer will win the Booker, but no-one ever expected a computer to beat a chess grandmaster.

You can win a talent show and be so famous that you can't walk down the street, but no-one knows you next Monday.

Sure, immigrants will do work that no-one else will do. There was even a movie about it - 'A Day Without Mexicans.'

As a kid we would eat moussaka with mash. We had a real fusion of two cultures that no-one has dared to fuse since.

I wanted to change my name when I first started because I thought, 'No-one is going to believe that it is my name.'

I've got my fanbase; I believe in my music; I believe in my vision... And ain't no-one gonna stop me from doing that!

One of the things that always appealed to me about Nasa was we were always doing cool stuff that no-one's done before.

At 14, I'd have given my left arm to be a boy: I thought I was horrible and that no-one would ever find me attractive.

No-one in their right mind would buy the 'New Statesman' and change it from being a left-wing to a right-wing magazine.

I wish that the world's food was spread evenly on everybody's plate, and that no-one got more or less than anyone else.

The national team can do so much for Italian football, as can even lads who no-one knows or who play in the lower Leagues.

No one knows who I am and no-one cares. I could jump in front of a camera man and he'd just tell me to get out of the way.

No-one works for money alone and tapping into what people want from their careers and what they have to offer is essential.

The biggest thing for me, I hate going to concerts where no-one's moving. Everyone should be dancing and having a good time.

'Fahrenheit' was a very difficult product to sell to publishers initially because no-one believed in storytelling or emotion.

I have a very pessimistic view that every win takes you closer to a loss because no-one in the world can keep on winning forever.

No-one wants to finish a job badly. If you know that you are going to finish your job in six months, then you want to finish well.

And this we should believe: that hope and volition can bring us closer to our ultimate goal: justice for all, injustice for no-one.

I am very lucky, I have a very tight group of friends and a very supportive family, and to this date no-one has ever sold a story on me.

I think honesty is an important thing when writing a song. If you can't sing it with conviction, then no-one else is going to believe it.

There are people who don't like capitalism, and people who don't like PCs. But there's no-one who likes the PC who doesn't like Microsoft.

I've got people handling the media. I employ at the moment two people. No-one is paying income tax on the money they use to employ people.

No-one can say when the unwinding began, when the coil that held America together in its secure and sometime shifting grip first gave way.

You always hope a book's going to be a success. I don't think I've ever written a book thinking, 'This will be bad and no-one will like it!'

The problem for many people with disabilities is not that we are not able to work a certain number of hours a week. It's that no-one will let us.

L.A. hasn't changed me that much - I've not forgotten where I'm from, you know. And I need to find a haggis, but no-one seems to sell them over here.

I've always wanted to write a book. And it turned out that it was more about finding a story that I felt I was necessary for, that no-one else could write.

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