There are no rules in art.

Comedy has no rules, per se.

There are no rules in snowboarding.

There are no rules to writing a song.

There are no rules in live television.

There are no rules when I compose songs.

There's no rules. Show me the rule book.

There are no rules when it comes to love.

The only rule is there's only one rule: no rules.

Where there is no will, no rules or laws can help.

There are no rules in fights with girls. Just hurting.

I started to let go and seeing that there are no rules.

You just go for it and see what works. There are no rules.

It's like the Wild West, the Internet. There are no rules.

Love begets love, love knows no rules, this is same for all.

There are no rules of architecture for a castle in the clouds.

War has rules, mud wrestling has rules - politics has no rules.

Boxing is like the Wild West. There are no rules. It's horrible.

I would call myself the Pharrell of OVO. There are no rules for me.

The great thing about this thing we call art is that it has no rules.

Hell, there are no rules here - we're trying to accomplish something.

I date older men, and I date younger men. I have no rules about that.

There are no rules for good photographs, there are only good photographs.

I think success has no rules, but you can learn a great deal from failure.

I believe there's one rule in Hollywood, and that's that there are no rules.

I'm a fighter. We come from the beginning, no gloves, no rules, no time limits.

There were no rules, other than that the song should sound good and be fun to play.

The terrorists' only rules? That there are no rules, and this gives them a major advantage.

Playing the villain, bringing her to life, is the most fun because there really are no rules.

I remember thinking during those times that I wanted to write in a way where there are no rules.

I love to come to L.A. because it's one of the most inspiring places because there are no rules.

There are no rules, no models; rather, there are no rules other than the general laws of Nature.

There are no rules for friendship. It must be left to itself. We cannot force it any more than love.

I would describe my personal style as putting Twiggy and Yoko Ono together. It is hobo with no rules.

When it comes to lingerie, there are no rules. I feel the sexiest when I'm myself, no hair, no makeup.

I don't do stand-up anymore. There are no rules in stand-up comedy. Journalists follow plenty of rules.

There's no rules that say you can't have a friend at ringside. The rules say the friend can't interfere.

Formats are constantly changing, and there are really no rules for the way you put your records out anymore.

Hip hop is doing the new rock thing; there are no rules. They can do anything, really. And that's inspiring.

For anyone who's not familiar with 'Piper's Pit,' they need to know one thing - there's absolutely no rules.

If there were no rules about when to applaud, we in the audience would have the right response almost always.

There are no rules when it comes to songwriting, so I'd turn Carter family songs from the 1930s into pop songs.

No rules. Don't be afraid to do whatever you want. Cooking doesn't have to have rules. I don't like it that way.

You know, James Franco is one of the most interesting figures because he has no rules. He breaks all the borders.

No rules exist, and examples are simply life-savers answering the appeals of rules making vain attempts to exist.

I never learned to cook, so I've got no rules. I'll put things together just because I think they belong together.

The best thing about Sci-Fi, which is my favorite genre, is that there are no rules for behavior. So you can do anything you want.

That's what I always wanted Man Repeller to do - to change the way people actually think. Showing young girls that there are no rules.

Politics is a dirty game. We have our rules in boxing. In politics, no rules. Especially a young democracy like Ukraine. It's more like MMA.

Punk was such an exciting time because there were no rules. You could go and knock on Sun Ra's door - and he was in the phonebook, under Ra!

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