Normally, I'm so shy.

I'm normally based in L.A.

Normally, I never dress up.

I normally go with the flow.

Courage comes normally to me.

I'm not normally big on suits.

I normally don't get frizzled.

I normally don't eat junk food.

Normally, I work 18 hours a day.

Normally, I know what I'm doing.

I'm normally a really humble guy.

I manage to live pretty normally.

I normally try to drive carefully.

Greed is normally balanced by fear.

I'm bored, normally, when I travel.

I don't normally take to Yorkshiremen.

I normally ignore the History Channel.

Most shows are normally 40 or 50 pages.

Normally, a TV show shoots episodically.

I normally play very serious characters.

Life normally rewards you for hard work.

Normally I sleep for 9, 10 hours a night.

I don't normally do pure historical work.

I'm normally the least busy person I know.

I don't normally watch myself on the telly.

I normally try to be tranquil on the pitch.

I normally don't do interviews on the road.

Normally book ideas come to me in a moment.

I'm not normally very adventurous with food.

Normally, it's more efficient to climb fast.

I normally try to ignore presidential tweets.

I normally have a healthy fear of journalists.

I am normally the manly-ish girl on the planet.

Normally, I like my privacy in the high desert.

Normally I don't sleep much during a Test match.

I normally don't endorse in Democratic primaries.

Normally when I read, I don't like music playing.

I'm on the road two or three days a week normally.

I would normally never set out to write a trilogy.

Normally, we push away the things we're scared of.

Normally I tell the truth whether it's nice or not.

Normally I play dads, good guys, and little animals.

I like to see people laugh who are normally serious.

I'm not normally content with what I do unless I win.

I normally wear Stuart Weitzman or Kors Michael Kors.

We came from an era when women normally did not rock.

I'm normally a pretty loquacious, kind of fun person.

Normally, when a fighter gets challenged, they answer.

Normally, I name my characters after famous comedians.

TV viewing is normally a passive, mindless occupation.

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