A hero is one who knows how to hang on one minute longer.

I would rather have one minute at this age than a month at 21.

One minute I was a PR intern, the next I was Miss South Africa.

You can be really hot one minute, the next minute be unemployed.

Think for one minute of those who have loved you up into this day.

I'm a lucky guy. I don't take for granted, for one minute, what I do.

People in Hollywood will say things one minute and change it the next.

I did Polyester, and I don't regret one minute of it. It was wonderful.

Just to be able to play one minute in an NBA game, I'm grateful for that.

Everyone has an ego. Even someone that doesn't play one minute has an ego.

One minute you can be the blue-eyed boy and the next match you can be slated.

I remember. How many minutes do I have left President? About one, one minute.

Usually I work at the merch table until one minute before I have to go on stage.

One minute you're nobody and the next thing you've got people following you around.

You can make a really good one minute trailer out of a really stinky two hour movie.

A business like acting is 90% luck. You can be a star one minute and out of work the next.

Fashion is OK for five days, one minute, six months, but style is for the rest of the life.

One minute you're a slug and the next minute you're a hero, so you don't know what to think.

One minute, it seemed I had more movie offers than I could handle; the next - no one wanted me.

One minute you're starting left fielder, hitting home runs; the next, it's career over. I was 20.

How puzzling all these changes are! I'm never sure what I'm going to be, from one minute to another.

You are not a beautiful, unique snowflake... This is your life, and it's ending one minute at a time.

Designers are very fickle. I never wanted to be a victim of that. You're in one minute, out the next.

One minute I was a clapped-out, two-guinea, legal-aid lawyer, and the next minute I was in parliament.

Life's a rollercoaster. You're up one minute; you're down one minute. But who doesn't like rollercoasters?

Now, with YouTube, the audience decides. You can make something that is 20 minutes long or one minute long.

It was like I was Hannah Montana! I was a normal girl from Pittsburgh one minute and then a pop star the next!

'Frasier' was a classy gig. I didn't for one minute think it was less prestigious or artistic than doing a play.

One minute I'm inside this magical glitter bubble, then it's straight back to mum-life. Literally. That is my life!

Dreams rise like the sun and set like the sun: One minute, it is high and bright; the next minute, you might lose it.

I'm never in the same place for more than, like, three days at a time. Things can change from one minute to the next.

I do a little bit of yoga-style meditation. Relaxing and breathing even just one minute a day makes a big difference.

But things move in circles: one minute it's the models who are famous, then it's the actresses, then it's the designers.

Man, as long as he lives, is immortal. One minute before his death he shall be immortal. But one minute later, God wins.

I see groups that are hot one minute, and next time you see them, they're asking if you want a soda with that Happy Meal.

I'm a Gemini, so my mood always changes - one minute I'm dance-dancey, the next I'm in the corner minding my own business.

I know you can be up one minute and drop the next, so I'm trying to maintain a steady course so I can have some longevity.

There is no place for arrogance or complacency in racing because you are up there one minute and on your backside the next.

Marking success, for me, is walking onto a court and just walking off healthy, no matter if it is one minute or two minutes.

But think of the last guy. For one minute, think of the last guy. Nobody's got it worse than that guy. Nobody in the whole world.

Hospitals are very extreme places - you can be in a maternity room one minute, and by someone's bedside as they're dying the next.

I'm busier than I've ever been, but you can go through the lists of people who are bang up there one minute, and then just disappear.

'Graceland' getting canceled was definitely a shock and disappointing for all of us. One minute it's this. The next minute it's that.

If you can get your life down to one minute at a time, you don't miss anything. You have total abundance of information and material.

Here's the deal: the extraordinary becomes ordinary really quickly. One minute, everything is new and amazing, the next it's expected.

My parents split when I was 13. For a youngster, it's quite devastating. One minute you're all happy families, then everything changes.

In showbiz one minute you're up there making thousands of people laugh, next minute you're picking up toffees, you know it's real life.

I think it's absolutely extraordinary that any Conservative MP considered even for one minute installing Jeremy Corbyn in Downing Street.

He helps me every day to do my exercises. Siegfried told me once, 'The one who is a hero is the one who can hang on just one minute longer.'

My life isn't just one genre. It's a romance one minute, an action movie the next - it's actually rarely, rarely an action film, to be frank.

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