Culture is one thing and varnish is another.

One must not judge other cultures by the standars of one's one,' said Aunt Hilda

What other culture could have produced someone like Hemmingway and not seen the joke?

Meet people from other cultures, so you understand that the world doesn't swirl around you.

People have to start talking to know more about other cultures and to understand each other.

Preservation of one's own culture does not require contempt or disrespect for other cultures.

The Ice Storm, because of the movie, has had, or is to have, a vigorous life in other cultures.

I became a model to see the world, to make enough money to travel and experience other cultures.

I certainly hope the strengths and values of this country hold up to comparison to other cultures.

Historically, black music has influenced other cultures and other genres and created other genres.

I am very happy since when I am in different cities I can experience and learn different cultures!

The history of other cultures is non-existent until it erupts in confrontation with the United States.

In studying other cultures, we learn more about ourselves and our relationship to all things in this world.

Our incapacity to comprehend other cultures stems from our insistence on measuring things in our own terms.

I have a multicultural background, so I tend to have an open mind about things, and I find other cultures interesting.

I think many people, especially from other cultures, just don't understand the role hair plays in Black women's lives.

Many other cultures value poetry more than we do. In Ireland, poetry is a top cultural pursuit, the art to end all arts.

The Jews are trying to destroy all other a survival mechanism...the only Nazi country in the world is Israel.

If art is to nourish the roots of our culture, society must set the artist free to follow his vision wherever it takes him.

Scientists are very much entangled in their culture and this culture is not pristine, untouched by other cultures and practices.

My religion forbids me to belittle or disregard other cultures, as it insists, under pain of civil suicide, upon imbibing and living my own.

The Western notion of masculinity goes back a long way. It doesn’t allow for women, and it’s also racist - it doesn’t allow for other cultures.

If you are stuck only at your culture, you will miss thousands of good things in other cultures; and more importantly, you will miss many truths!

There are still some places I'd love to visit - Africa, China, Brazil, India. I want to travel the world and experience other cultures and peoples.

The spirit of seeking understanding through personal contact with people of other nations and other cultures deserves the respect and support of all.

If you take different mythologies from different cultures, the names may change and the story lines may vary but there is always something in common.

Good authors mature over time: it does take awhile. Travel abroad and learn to live in other cultures. That's one of the things about teaching abroad.

I plead for conservation of human culture, which is much more fragile than nature herself. We needn't destroy other cultures with the force of our own.

What moves me is neither ethnocentric pride nor sectarian arrogance. I make no claim that Jewish culture is superior to other cultures. But it is mine.

Climbing does not mean just competition and performance. It has other qualities that are important: going on trips, meeting people, seeing other cultures.

It's amazing that people still feel, 'Oh my gosh, it's a black guy.' We've been here for a long time; let's get used to it. Let's get used to other cultures.

One way of submitting your moral intuitions in relation to some issue to cognitive therapy is to learn more about how people in other cultures think about it.

Traveling and other cultures provide me with great inspiration, especially unusual people and cultures totally unlike my own. They generate many new ideas for me.

The Brit abroad is always the voice of caution. Persons of other cultures are known to be undisciplined, prone to leaning out of car windows and cooking with garlic.

We must start understanding other cultures, such as the Aboriginal culture. They have a harmony with the Earth and from that harmony has grown a certain spirituality.

The Treatise tries to analyze not only modern Western families, but also those in other cultures and the changes in family structure during the past several centuries.

Whenever you play a song, you're basically playing with a lot of zeros and ones. These are Western compositional models that other cultures have explored in so many ways.

People in the U.S. are more cranked up on pharmaceutical drugs than any other culture in the world today. I want people using safer medicine. And that means plant medicine.

One of my few virtues - I don't have a lot of them - would be a deep sense of curiosity. I'm interested in how other people live in other places; I'm interested in other cultures.

As a culture, we are not comfortable with mortality. We do not accept it the way other cultures do. We cling to youth, and we don't want to die. It's like, 'Well, too bad, we do.'

I love bringing the colors and textures of other cultures. If I wear a dress that I bought from a street vendor in Bali on a red carpet, it's a way of bringing my travels with me.

I want our students to be so accustomed to children of other cultures that the words 'diversity' and 'tolerance' won't be in their vocabulary. They won't need them - they'll live it.

It's a phenomenon that started in the United States in which corporations make claims on the life forms, biodiversity and innovations of other cultures by applying for patents on them.

That a good fit between parental handling and child temperament is vital to help children adapt to the imperatives of their society is a crucial concept that can be applied to other cultures.

Of course, English is a very powerful language, a colonizer's language and a gift to a writer. English has destroyed and sucked up the languages of other cultures - its cruelty is its vitality.

I serve like a bridge. I go to other cultures, learn, put myself in different situations and learn as much as I can, and then go to Western cultures to give. I'm doing this bridging all the time.

I wasn't searching for a common denominator - I started wondering about the challenge of working in other cultures. What I reached was the sudden acknowledgment of the universal aspect of filmmaking.

What's interesting in archaeology is that we always understand other cultures by digging up their cities; architecture is almost always a way for us to formulate a diagram of how people used to live.

I think it's useful to experience other types of dance and other cultures, and the life of a classical dancer these days is certainly not all tutus! So experience of other dance forms is a good idea.

We need to put into practice the idea of embracing other cultures. We need to be shaping the kind of world we want to live in instead of waiting for someone else or some other entities to do it for us.

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