I like the outdoors.

I enjoy the outdoors.

I love being outdoors.

I love to be outdoors.

I just love the outdoors!

I'm an outdoors kind of guy.

I need my outdoors, my comfort.

I hate the outdoors. I'm a big snob.

I try to be outdoors as much as I can.

I am unboreable in the great outdoors.

I like to fish. I love to stay outdoors.

I spent a lot of time outdoors as a kid.

I love being outdoors and trekking around.

I like to be outdoors as much as possible.

My only hobby is going for walks outdoors.

I like being outdoors. I like action films.

Spending time outdoors makes you feel great.

I was focused on athletics, outdoors, sports.

We don't own a TV. My kids are always outdoors.

I love the outdoors. I love climbing mountains.

I want to get people to connect to the outdoors.

I used to live in L.A. so, I was always outdoors.

I don't think I'd ever really survive the outdoors.

I love being outdoors - hiking, biking, and swimming.

I'm a man's man. I go out climbing and live outdoors.

Way of life in Australia focuses more on the outdoors.

You don't need to be an athlete to enjoy the outdoors.

I have set crowd records fighting indoors and outdoors.

A golf course is nothing but a pool room moved outdoors.

I was really active as a kid. I was outdoors constantly.

We grew up climbing trees, playing outdoors and cycling.

I've always loved being outdoors, getting my hands dirty.

I was fair-skinned in a country that's about the outdoors.

We're playing all these weird festivals, usually outdoors.

I prefer every time a picture composed and painted outdoors.

I hate the outdoors. To me the outdoors is where the car is.

When you date someone who loves the outdoors, it's inspiring.

Usually, it is not difficult to change from indoors to outdoors.

I'm inspired by deep, earthy smells, especially of the outdoors.

Working outdoors in the Delacorte Theater is always challenging.

I'm a laid-back guy. I like being outdoors. I enjoy hanging out.

I like the outdoors and the natural world. Environmental issues.

As readers can probably tell from my books, I love the outdoors.

I love going for walks and like to do fun active things outdoors.

Next to acting, being in the great outdoors is my biggest passion.

I love to be outdoors, so I like to hike, bike and go to the beach.

Depending on the season, you'll find me outdoors doing an activity.

I have always been interested in the whole spectrum of the outdoors.

I grew up in Finland, so it's cold in Finland, we have ice rinks outdoors.

My ideal summer date would definitely be outdoors, something by the water.

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