My mom is a pack rat.

I love my fanny pack.

The Brat Pack is timeless.

I live like a crazy old pack rat.

I'm a pack rat, like most people.

I pack on mass quickly when I lift.

Every horse thinks its own pack heaviest.

An audience can be like a pack of wolves.

Pack an outfit to change into on the plane.

You wouldn't catch me dead in a fanny pack.

I pack every minute I can with something to do.

God puts pack rats together with non-pack rats.

The first thing I pack for meets is my makeup bag!

I'm trying to lead the pack. I'm trying to sprint.

I probably did pack a lifetime's work into the 1980s.

All these things they've been saying are a pack of lies.

I've been called the Women's Auxiliary of the Brat Pack.

I definitely ran with a pack of hoodlums, that's for sure.

To carry care to bed is to sleep with a pack on your back.

I loved to party with the Rat Pack; they were so much fun.

When I feel I'm repeating myself, I'll probably pack it in.

I'm home about two days a month, and on those I have to pack.

Faith is the very first thing you should pack in a hope chest.

It's always hard to break an independent picture from the pack.

What separated Ed Murrow from the rest of the pack was courage.

You could pack for a trip to Europe with the bags under my eyes!

Never have anyone else carry your luggage. Pack only what you need.

I know I'll work, but not when or where. I never know what to pack.

I never thought my face would be on the cover of a Red Bull Six Pack.

When I get time after pack up, I try hitting the gym or go for a jog.

If I'm traveling, I'll pack socks in my bag - really cute furry ones.

You don't need a pack of wild horses to learn how to make a sandwich.

When you're in the back of the pack, you can gamble a little bit more.

I hadn't thought that I was generally a pack rat, but it turns out I am.

It was at one of the parties at our house that The Rat Pack got started.

For my eightieth year warns me to pack up my baggage before I leave life.

A lot of parents pack up their troubles and send them off to summer camp.

A dancer's career is short - you just keep going until your legs pack up.

I'm not trying to be this guy just chugging along. I want to lead the pack.

I'm a sucker for a packet of biscuits. I can eat a whole pack in 10 minutes.

I am surrounded by my family, my beloved grandchildren, and my pack of dogs.

In the final choice a soldier's pack is not so heavy as a prisoner's chains.

I never settled because I wasn't meant to pack toilet rolls or stack shelves.

I was so enthralled watching 'Guys and Dolls' and learning about the Rat Pack.

For me, the film has to be incredibly bad to make me want to pack up and leave.

I feel like I'm small and mighty and pack a powerful punch, just like Tide PODS.

I always followed my heart and if my heart said I gotta pack up and go, I'm gone.

I just wanted everybody to know that I'm not fat. I'm trying to get an eight pack.

Actually, it seems like every time I'm about to pack it in, that's when I get a job.

Did you ever run behind a slow pack? You get a trailing wind and a lot of body odor.

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