I love Louboutins and Jimmy Choos, but I've got pairs I've never worn, because I'm still waiting to find the outfit that will go with them.

At this point, I have 10 pairs of cat earrings because fans bring them to me. The next song I write, I'm going to be like, 'I love Chanel.'

I bought a pair of Carpe Diem boots, which were completely unnecessary and hideously expensive, but they make me feel quite fine and dandy.

I had this scholarship, two pairs of tight jeans, and a couple of hundred extra dollars, and I showed up in Oregon and went to school there.

When love congeals It soon reveals The faint aroma of performing seals, The double-crossing of a pair of heels. I wish I were in love again!

The trick is always to write in pairs because if at least two people find it funny, you've immediately halved the odds of it not being funny.

I feel less pressure to dress youthfully. I'm 50 and everyone knows I'm 50 - who are you kidding? Jeans are my uniform. I have about 15 pairs.

I'm a very discriminating shoe shopper. I only look for something special. In fact, I don't think I've ever bought two pairs at the same time.

Passover and Easter are the only Jewish and Christian holidays that move in sync, like the ice skating pairs we saw during the winter Olympics.

In the '60s, I'd wear three pairs of eyelashes. Now they make them that thick, but back then they didn't, so you had to kind of build your own.

I think it's a lot harder for the pros to have a long career in ice dance and in pairs. It seems the singles have a little bit of a longer career.

A great pair of shoes can make a $20 outfit look like couture, and a poorly constructed pair of shoes can make couture look like a cheap knockoff.

My single pair of eyes Contain the universe they see; Their mirrored multiplicity Is packed into a hollow body Where I reflect the many, in my one.

Despite the fact that I have a good-size pair of breasts... in Lois & Clark, I have the opportunity to show the world they're not my only attribute.

I love to shop, especially in retro stores. I have about a million pairs of old-school sports shoes like Adidas, so that's probably my biggest vice.

Playing middle pairs like 10-10, 9-9, 8-8, and 7-7 can be difficult but only if you overvalue them and mistakenly play them as you would premium hands.

I'm like any other woman - my weight fluctuates. I have a pair of jeans one size bigger than the other just in case that week I'm a little bit heavier.

Why don't I just give you a pair of my panties to hang around your neck? Then whenever you feel jealous, you can wave them at whoever's pissing you off.

Filmmaking has always involved pairs: a director coupled with a producer, a director alongside an editor... The notion of couples is not foreign to cinema.

I have two pairs of Louboutins, in black and nude, which go with absolutely everything. They were very expensive, but I love them and I wear them all the time.

Why?” Eve leaned forward. “Sincerely, I’ve always wanted to know why anyone buys multiple pairs of shoes at a time.” “If I have to explain it, the joy is lost.

Drew is a shopaholic. He must have 400 suits and 180 pairs of shoes. I have three pairs of jeans, and that's it. I shop in his closet and take anything I want.

Believe it or not, I used to be obsessed with shoes. I have maybe 50 pairs... until I moved to New York, when I realized I couldn't walk anywhere in any of them.

I'm addicted to something at all times. Like, it's always music, but maybe sometimes it's a pair of pants or something else. That's just how my personality works.

I usually try on at least 20 pairs of jeans before I find something that looks good on me. And even then, I have a trustworthy friend tell me if my butt looks big!

Our mind is capable of passing beyond the dividing line we have drawn for it. Beyond the pairs of opposites of which the world consists, other, new insights begin.

The one I can't imagine anyone taking seriously, but was one of my favorites, was the mesh football jersey top, paired with a really short pair of athletic shorts.

I do wonder how managers like Brian Clough and Bill Shankly would cope. How would Cloughie deal with players taking five pairs of different colour boots to a game?

Being constantly with children was like wearing a pair of shoes that were expensive and too small. She couldn't bear to throw them out, but they gave her blisters.

When my agents tell me how much I'm going to be paid for a film, instead of quoting a figure, they'll say: 'You're going to make ten pairs of Christian Louboutins.'

I love good old-fashioned black or white Converse. I have a few pairs. And they are all really dirty. I can't have clean Converse - I go in the dirt and run around!

I am wrestling with the overalls trend. I wore so many pairs in junior high, and no one thought they were cute. Perhaps I'll try them cuffed with a tasteful crop top?

Our stares connected and we were quiet for a long minute, united by our misery. At least he understood me and I understood him. "A fine pair we make,” he said. "Yeah.

I am honest enough with myself to admit it. I rarely offer strong opinions, I have a backbone like a pair of bifold doors, and I am terrified of not being approved of.

I'm not a great consumer. I always ask myself, 'Do I really need that piece?' I have friends who have 300 pairs of shoes; how would you leave the house in the morning?

I have two pairs of stretchy maternity leggings and jeans, which I will never give up, because once you experience an elastic band for a waist, you will never go back.

One yearns unspeakably for a composer who gives out his pair of honest themes, and then develops them unashamed, and then hangs a brisk coda to them, and then shuts up.

I wore my first pair of Louboutins during this press tour. It was absolutely amazing, they weren't heels, they were little shoes, but they were velvet and they were blue.

If Heaven a draught of heavenly pleasure spare, One cordial in this melancholy vale, 'T is when a youthful, loving, modest pair In other's arms breathe out the tender tale

Pairs skating and singles are two different things. Although some skaters have achieved this successfully, it is a very difficult transition. You're looking at double work.

I've always had way too many pairs of sunglasses. It's been my accessory of choice. I keep the same jewelry, mostly the same kind of style, but my sunglasses always change.

Collecting shoes is my biggest hobby. I've got a couple hundred pairs of Nikes and Jordans. I got a lot of hats, too. I like to play basketball, but nothing competition wise.

The red kind of symbolizes a lot of things I do in Africa, along with a lot of the work, like the red laces. Everybody that buys a pair can pretty much save a life in Africa.

If I go out with a jacket and a pair of trousers that my wife doesn't like, you can bet your ass it ain't in my wardrobe the following day. I say that it gets lost in the sky.

If I have any justification for having lived it's simply, I'm nothing but faults, failures and so on, but I have tried to make a good pair of shoes. There's some value in that.

My mother has never approved of high heels. As a result, I have never been able to walk in high heels - and they were all I ever wanted. So of course, my daughter has two pairs.

I perfectly understand the obsession with shoes. I myself am pretty obsessed. I have a few hundred pairs of shoes in general, because I've been collecting shoes for a long time.

As you see in a pair of bellows, there is a forced breath without life, so in those that are puffed up with the wind of ostentation, there may be charitable words without works.

But for real, for me, I feel like with the red lipstick thing it all depends on the pair of complexion. I'm just being for real. You have to be fair skinned to get away with that.

I've always loved Nike shoes, and I'm in a position where I like to collect them now, especially the limited-edition Jordan and Air Max pairs. My house is full of special releases.

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