The world is full of dumb paperwork.

Paperwork will ruin any military force.

Death should take more care with his paperwork.

There's so much paperwork that goes with changing a name.

I love being a writer. What I can't stand is the paperwork.

I can see how paperwork and foolishness can destroy something.

We can lick gravity, but sometimes the paperwork is overwhelming.

You talk to the real cops and they say ninety percent of it is paperwork.

Paperwork wouldn’t be so bad if it weren’t for all the paper. And the work.

Getting paperwork under control makes me feel more in control of my life generally.

Everything depends on the club more than the player: the quantities, the paperwork.

I've actually considered going with my married name, Julia Hall, but all the paperwork.

When you do a studio picture, all the paperwork and legal stuff is already taken care of!

Procrastination is probably my worst habit out of many. Especially when it comes to paperwork.

I was a pretty good academic proofreader, I just wasn't good at keeping up with the paperwork.

The adoption process was not an easy one. The paperwork took nine months. It's a full-time thing!

A single tax return for Quebecers will eliminate unnecessary paperwork for families and businesses.

The sweetest joy, the wildest woe is love. What the world really needs is more love and less paperwork.

For small business people, less paperwork means higher profits, boosted sales and more time with the family.

I have three desks. One empty for paperwork, one for the internet and email, and one for the writing computer.

I mean, comics fear sue - you know, lawsuits and stuff like that, just because they don't like to do paperwork.

I’d signed six things and my stack wasn’t getting any smaller. It was like the paperwork was breeding while I worked.

When you go in to do a screen test, you negotiate your contract and sign all your paperwork before you even get on a plane.

I'm pretty good at getting things out of the way, especially paperwork. I hate it sitting about, as it somehow weighs me down.

Can't cook. Can't, I dunno, do paperwork. I don't know, what else can't we do? I'm not to be trusted with other people's animals.

Small businesses want things streamlined, and one of the great successes we're having is less paperwork, faster turnaround times.

Misdirected focus on paperwork, on procedures, and on bureaucracy frustrates teachers and fails to give children the education they need.

It isn't necessary to imagine the world ending in fire or ice. There are two other possibilities: one is paperwork, and the other is nostalgia.

For me, marriage is about love, not paperwork. I've never been the kid who dreamed of the big white dress, the long veil, the fancy diamond ring.

So much paperwork to read! So much paperwork to push away! So much paperwork to pretend he hadn't received and that might have been eaten by gargoyles.

Planned Parenthood is a tough place to work - the hours are long, the work is emotionally draining, the paperwork is endless, and the morale can run low.

I've always been interested in the office. I was a secretary a long time ago, and I've always been into paperwork. My first secretarial job was 1965 or 1966.

Too often, researchers on the cusp of a new discovery are held back by needless red tape and paperwork, meaning their innovative work cannot be capitalised on.

I mean I imagine I could have done a better job with keeping my paperwork and paying my taxes. For the most part, everything happened exactly the way it should.

If you come to Georgia, you can open up a company in a day. You yourself can come tomorrow and establish a company in a day, and you're not halted by paperwork.

OFSTED has made large cuts in the paperwork which schools are asked to provide and further steps to reduce the bureaucratic burden will be introduced in September.

I was about nine years old when a teacher administered my IQ test. Unfortunately, as I was nine, I didn't know that I needed to keep the paperwork for future reference.

To the teacher weighed down with paperwork, I say: you've been messed around too often. You came into teaching to spend your time teaching children not filling in forms.

When I got the paperwork for Superstars, and I saw they asked what size swimsuit I wear, I had a hot flash, nearly broke into cold sweats and hired a trainer immediately.

The man whose life is devoted to paperwork has lost the initiative. He is dealing with things that are brought to his notice, having ceased to notice anything for himself.

Just as in policing there is an emphasis on civilians to help with paperwork, we must free up trained and experienced social workers to focus on children, not bureaucracy.

The more paperwork you can get for your car, the better. If the owner has little or no paperwork you won't know for sure what work has been carried out previously on the vehicle.

I had to get out of my record deal that I signed with my previous band and get a full solo record deal going so, with all of the paperwork that, that entails it did take a while.

My whole life, I wanted to be a fighter pilot; it's what I wanted to do. I set up all of my classes for it, but I got lazy my senior year in high school and didn't get my paperwork in.

The actual teaching itself becomes lost in a sea of paperwork and teachers soon realise that the very reason they entered this profession constitutes only a fraction of their working day.

Investing capital in the free market creates innovation, businesses, jobs and economic growth. Investing capital in the government creates more bureaucracy, more paperwork and inefficiency.

So it was sort of an odd time because I had been hired, but my paperwork hadn't gone through. So I worked as an intern during the government shutdown, as an intern, but I already had a job.

You have to wake up, go to the office, do any after office paperwork, you have to go to the gym, you have to train and train, you eat, you get a little bit of sleep and then you do it again.

Dad was much more critical. I did a comedy in Windsor and he came round afterwards with a load of paperwork and said nothing about my performance - just: 'I've got some forms for you to sign.'

Documenting and recording paperwork, managing services like passport renewals, and processing patent applications are practices that could all be dramatically improved with robotic automation.

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