Nobody in the city of Los Angeles knows how to catch an alligator, ...

Nobody in the city of Los Angeles knows how to catch an alligator, ... We have no experience in recreation and parks, the zoo or animal control.

I like English parks.

I love going to parks.

I travel for theme parks. Jurassic Park!

...Skyscraper National Park

Rosa Parks is rock and roll.

Give the park police more ammo.

Bears don't live on Park Avenue.

We live in God's amusement park.

I'm a huge fan of 'Parks and Rec.'

Growing up, I was a parks and recs kid.

You can park your snark at the gate, Omaha.

My favorite show is 'Parks and Recreation.'

I think the 'South Park' guys are brilliant.

I live about four muggings from Central Park.

I'm happier than a tornado in a trailer park.

The Internet is the trailer park for the soul.

What are we out at the park for except to win?

Starkville is an Indian word for trailer park.

My favorite thing about Nashville is the parks.

Take short walks in the park down a happy trail.

Your body is the garage where you park your soul.

Cause I want to be on 106 and Park pushing a benz

Don't park... Arrival is the death of inspiration.

I love England, the people, the parks, the theatre.

Glaciers are almost gone from Glacier National Park

Rosa Parks inspired many. She will not be forgotten.

South Park called...they want their everything back.

I grew up in a trailer park in Bellingham, Washington.

National Parks are the gold standard for conservation.

New York is a theme park for people with IQs over 108.

Behind every great amusement park is a great fan site.

Parks said, he's guilty and that's the end of the story.

To be denied was like getting shut out of a Public Park.

I don’t like you, Park. Sometimes I think I live for you

We feel unbeatable at Ewood Park - even when we play away

Parks are works of art just as a painting or sculpture is.

Jogging in the park is my excuse to look at all the girls.

When I got to Mumbai, I missed the Delhi parks and grounds.

Life is not a theme park, and if it is, the theme is death.

I worked for the recreation and parks department for a year.

The reality is the park has been badly maintained for years.

I doubt if any of them would even intentionally double-park.

Being out of work for 13 to 15 years is no walk in the park.

I see something new in 'Gosford Park' every time I watch it.

My original name is Jae-Sang Park, so it's totally different.

Let's go Matt; we aren't strolling through Central Park here.

An intellectual is a man who doesn't know how to park a bike.

Growing up in Harlem, I was always in the parks playing ball.

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