Rock n' roll is a participatory sport.

A messy participatory process is representative democracy at its best.

Democracy is not a spectator sport. It is a difficult, hard, full-contact, participatory endeavor.

Intelligence augmentation decreases the need for specialization and increases participatory complexity.

In other words, the bar should be maintained at the level of a pluralistic and participatory democracy.

I think, in the longer view of things, there is a very powerful pull in the direction of participatory government.

Democracy is not a spectator sport, it's a participatory event. If we don't participate in it, it ceases to be a democracy.

At the Big Bad Lab, we build participatory art and media platforms for causes, communities and organizations we care about.

Nirvana really touched me as a teenager and started making me pay attention to music as a participatory thing that I could do.

The things I'm good at are building communities, participatory media, places where people contribute things of their own making.

Participatory democracies. Open economies. Web-based communication. All American innovations to the great conundrums of the globe.

A functioning, robust democracy requires a healthy educated, participatory followership, and an educated, morally grounded leadership.

Participatory complexity may well be the key descriptor of the 21st century - in our economies, in our politics, and in our everyday lives.

Shark Tank's participatory. There's so many people on Twitter for this show, and they all feel like they're in the tank, making calls on this stuff.

Inherently participatory in nature, Community Video focusing on using video to enable communities to communicate amongst themselves as well as with others.

Economic disasters or foolish wars are hardly guaranteed to bring about large-scale individual self-examination or renew the appeal of truly participatory democracy.

This is supposed to be a participatory democracy and if we're not in there participating then the people that will manipulate and exploit the system will step in there.

All I want to do is make sure that art is available to all Americans in a participatory way, whether you engage in the art process yourself or you're an audience member.

I love participatory media, collective knowledge systems, user-generated content and the like, and spent much of my life and career participating in them and making them.

What should be targeted is a concept of organic, and not just mechanic, democracy that preserves the rule of law, separation of powers, and that is participatory and pluralistic.

Congress created a safe harbor for defamation in 1996 and for copyright in 1998. Both safe harbors were designed to ensure that the Internet would remain a participatory medium of speech.

I think what HQ Trivia's done is taken the old-school idea of a trivia show - a quiz show - which has been around since the dawn of television, even radio, and made it a participatory event versus a spectator sport.

I want to create the largest-ever participatory art project and highlight the concept of Shadow Philanthropy, where people help others create work without taking credit for it - through this we can really change the world.

And gradually they're beginning to recognize the fact that there's nothing more secure than a democratic, accountable, and participatory form of government. But it's sunk in only theoretically, it has not yet sunk in completely in practical terms.

The new era of bottom-up politics has had politically paradoxical consequences in China. While it has made the system of governance more participatory, it has made the central government less authoritarian and, therefore, more bureaucratic and cautious.

A location-aware tablet will let us use what's called geodesign to compose participatory, what-if scenarios onsite, using maps that several people can share - something we could always do with paper but that's been a challenge with digital maps in the field.

There's something exciting about weekly strips in that you're following the way the story reveals itself to the writer week by week. All the possible directions it could have taken are there; it's a kind of participatory reading that I think books discourage.

Among the responsibilities of each citizen in a participatory democracy is keeping ourselves sufficiently informed so that we can participate effectively, argue our positions honorably, and hopefully, forge sufficient consensus to understand each other and then to govern.

This country has always been run by elite, and it's an elitist democracy. And that's not a radical concept. It's elitist democracy. When people talk about democracy, they don't talk - really talk about participatory democracy, until the point that we get us at Election Day.

The Indian economy has declined because of the peculiar Indian 'invention' of that perfidious financial derivative called Participatory Notes, or PNs, otherwise known as the crony/crooked facilitator for black-money-based portfolio investment. No other country would think of such a derivative.

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