The patriot's blood is the seed of Freedom's tree.

The patriot's blood is the seed of Freedom's tree.

My father was a patriot.

I'm a patriot of the heart.

Real patriots ask questions.

All Patriot fans despise Goodell.

A patriot is a fool in ev'ry age.

Barack Obama is an economic patriot.

All true patriots will meet in heaven.

Never was patriot yet, but was a fool.

Patriots don't let their nation default.

I'm not sure I'm the prototypical Patriot.

No man can be a patriot on an empty stomach.

For true patriots to be silent, is dangerous.

I'm a patriot in the truest sense of the word.

Let's be clear: a nationalist is not a patriot.

The house of every one is to him as his castle.

Property must be secured, or liberty cannot exist.

I love being a Patriot, and we'll leave it at that.

The patriot blood of my father was warm in my veins.

I’m not a patriot to a flag, I’m a patriot to a land.

General David Petraeus is an American patriot and hero.

A terrorist for one man could be a patriot for another.

I love playing football. I love playing for the Patriots.

I prefer people to see me as an Ivorian and as a patriot.

I am a patriot: I want to help my country and help it grow.

A true patriot will defend his country from its government.

The Patriot wears that mask EVERYWHERE! Even in the shower!

I don't want to weaken the Patriot Act. I want to repeal it.

Saying you are a patriot is not enough - you have to be one.

A patriot is someone who cares what happens in their country.

I am a patriot, and I protest speed limits by exceeding them.

I am an old-fashioned, honest-to-goodness, flag waving patriot.

It is the duty of every patriot to hate his country creatively.

We aren't heroes out there in the military. We're just Patriots.

In time of war, the loudest patriots are the greatest profiteers.

I am a fierce patriot, and I try to be outspoken about my beliefs.

There's no bigger task than protecting the homeland of our country.

In my eyes, a patriot is little more than an international blackleg.

I'm a patriot, but I'm also a European. I think the two go together.

A politician will do anything to keep his job, even become a patriot.

It is dissent from government policies which defines the true Patriot

It is really your behaviour that determines whether you're a patriot.

Why are the patriots the ones who don't want to spend money on trains?

A politician will do anything to keep his job - even become a patriot.

The true American patriot is by definition skeptical of the government.

You're not a patriot unless even when you lose, it's still your country.

Hoover was a patriot in his heart, but he definitely exceeded his power.

After careful deliberation, I voted today to reauthorize the Patriot Act.

I have always regarded myself, in the first place, as an African patriot.

I think the Patriot Way definitely makes its way into the Hogan household.

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