I do pauses, pauses work for me

The pause is a part of the walk.

I like the pause that tea allows

Nothing that is can pause or stay.

At a great pennyworth pause a while.

Opportunity comes to pass-not to pause.

No work begun shall ever pause for death.

Menopause. A pause while you reconsider men.

Build gaps in your life. Pauses. Proper pauses.

A mistake is just a temporary pause in your plan.

Silence is the pause in me when I am near to God.

Nothing is more dramatic than a well-placed pause.

It's not so much knowing when to speak, when to pause.

Happy endings are bullshit. There are only happy pauses.

Sometimes you need to press pause to let everything sink in.

Blessed be the true life that the pauses between its throbs are not death!

I will pause to consider this eternity from which the subsequent ones derive.

Stop it. Seriously. This isn't funny.' 'You're right.' A pause. 'It's pathetic.

Sabbath is not simply the pause that refreshes. It is the pause that transforms.

I was eventually to become one person, gathered up maybe, during a pause, at a comma.

Be again, be again. (Pause.) All that old misery. (Pause.) Once wasn't enough for you.

Never pause unless you have a reason for it, but when you pause, pause as long as you can.

He hadn't realized yet that Gansey could persuade even the sun to pause and give him the time.

A pause came between them, and it was so full of Akiva that Karou imagined she could smell him.

I have really sinned. I am going to pause now, and sit here on the mound repenting in deepest shame.

When things begin accelerating wildly out of control, sometimes patience is the only answer. Press pause.

Happiness consists in always aspiring perfection, the pause in any level in perfection is the pause of happiness

Poetry calls us to pause. There is so much we overlook, while the abundance around us continues to shimmer, on its own.

Hold the old holding hand. Hold and be held. Plod on and never recede. Slowly with never a pause plod on and never recede.

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