Hell is paved with good samaritans.

Hell is paved with priests' skulls.

The road to hell is paved with works-in-progress.

The road to profits is paved with unfair advantages.

I sense that the road to Heaven is paved with dashed hopes.

The road to the City of Emeralds is paved with yellow brick.

The road to the Paris climate talks has been paved across decades.

My mom was a '70s mom. She paved a road that no one had yet walked.

The women's movement had already paved the way, I think, for my coming.

I'm the type of guy that always respect the older rappers who paved the way for us to get here.

Like a lot of people, for a long time I thought that the road to hell is paved with bad sequels.

Hell is paved with great granite blocks hewn from the hearts of those who said, I can do no other.

The street to obscurity is paved with athletes who can perform great feats before friendly crowds.

The success of 'X-Men' paved the way, I have to presume, for Sony to make Sam Raimi's 'Spider-Man.'

L.A. streets aren't just paved real estate but a cosmology, a manifestation of the city's sensibility.

Hell isn't merely paved with good intentions; it's walled and roofed with them. Yes, and furnished too.

The reason the Romans built their great paved highways was because they had such inconvenient footwear.

The old school mentality has gone and paved the way for many educated women to enter the movie profession.

I went to see Ocean Colour Scene at Shepherds Bush and and felt part of something. They paved the way for me.

The previous generation paved the way for my generation to gallop unheeded into jobs previously reserved for men.

There are people who do what they believe is right, but as they say, 'The road to hell is paved with good intentions.'

I love and appreciate and respect my father. He has paved an incredible way for me, and I want to do the same for others.

It has been more wittily than charitably said that hell is paved with good intentions; they have their place in heaven also.

You look at the pioneers that have paved the way for players like myself. Sometimes, you just sit back and scratch your head.

Conor changed the game and he paved the way. He did those big numbers and I'm one of the guys who is going to carry that forward.

I believed I paved the way for Donald Trump. I brought ridiculousness to politics and he saw an opening and just jumped on in there.

I don't know anybody's road who's been paved perfectly for them, there are no manuals, you don't know what life has in store for you.

The Senate is a place filled with goodwill and good intentions, and if the road to hell is paved with them, then it's a pretty good detour.

In the Navy, the path is paved for you. Your job is to be a soldier and fit in. As long as you stick to your place, it's actually really easy.

The road to some of the darkest moments of history have been paved with the rants of petty demagogues against ethnic minorities for centuries.

As cities have grown rapidly across the nation, many have neglected infrastructure projects and paved over green spaces that once absorbed rainwater.

As much as any woman of the twentieth century, Madam Walker paved the way for the profound social changes that altered women's place in American society.

Loretta Lynn was one of those ladies a long time ago that opened a lot of doors and paved the way for a lot of ballsy singer-songwriters who weren't just cute.

In 1994, we had the first record by a true heavy metal band to ever hit the Billboard top No. 1 slot. We paved the way. And we always waved the heavy metal flag.

The road hasn't always been paved for me. People identify with that. Everybody passes through hard times, and I think that's part of my appeal - that I have, too.

I've always been into stand-up, and I always wanted to be a comic because it was like the dream job as a kid, and my brother, being the patriarch, he paved the way.

I'm very proud of Space 1999. Its success paved the way for other sci-fi shows to follow. My hope is that the DVD release will help it reach a new generation of fans.

In parts of the world where basic infrastructures like paved roads and transportation systems are underdeveloped, people walk for days to reach a health care provider.

I'm extremely blessed to have the extraordinary mother that I have, and I don't mean Diana Ross, I mean the mother. My mom paved a road that didn't exist, as did Oprah.

When you lower the cost of access to space, a boom of innovation follows, just as low-cost fiber optics paved the way for the Internet and the cloud services that followed.

I truly feel like Fabulous Moolah is the pioneer for women in sports-entertainment. I don't think anyone can deny her accomplishments or the road she paved for women wrestlers.

The national treasure that is Diana Ross is a dim light compared with who she is as a mother. My mom paved the way not only for my career but also for who I am as a human being.

Government paved the on-ramp to space. Now, the vehicles taking us up to the space highway are being built by citizens, leveraging off government-catalyzed technologies and needs.

Most Evangelicals have the church to thank for the Sunday-school classes that taught us what the Bible says and paved the way for our eventual decisions to commit our lives to Christ.

I remember coming to this college in the 1960s as a new legislator when a road divided the campus - and it was not fully paved at that - and no wall defined the campus from the highway.

Everything I am is cause of Paris. She like paved the way for me. A girl like me who is literally famous for nothing - Paris Hilton taught us how to make that a business, you know what I mean?

Our forefathers paved the way for us. Let's take their values and their strengths and rededicate ourselves to doing whatever it takes to keep America the greatest country in the history of man.

Dr. Dre, my oldest brother, he paved the way for me and Snoop to get a chance to get into the studio. I asked him to show me how to work the MPC-60... I was about maybe 17, 18, right around there.

In 1900, as the immigrants come down the gangplank into Jersey City, they expect the streets to be paved with gold, and they were only paved with gold in Frank Baum's 'The Wizard of Oz,' of course.

I know a lot of the work that paved the way for women happened before I was around... I was never that feminist girl demanding equality, but maybe that's because I've never really faced inequality.

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