We don't see a peaceful Syria with Assad in there.

We must pursue peaceful end through peaceful means.

They pass peaceful lives who ignore mine and thine.

Dream always of a peaceful, warless, disarmed world.

A truly peaceful mind is very sensitive, very aware.

The truly thankful person is a truly peaceful person.

The Dove, on silver pinions, winged her peaceful way.

I'm a peaceful person once work ethic is established.

Simple life and peaceful mind are very close friends!

There is nothing more American than peaceful protest.

Only a strong America can guarantee a peaceful world.

Government is not peaceful; it is inherently coercive.

James Garner is like a peaceful river through our chaos.

My problem is I’m peaceful, and I believe in the people.

We are here to awaken from our illusion of separateness.

Turkey was a peaceful county, Turkey was a lovely county.

Make no mistake: peaceful madmen are ahead of the future.

Wars are poor chisels for carving out peaceful tomorrows.

Live with a peaceful heart; cultivate a warrior's spirit.

Democracies don't war; democracies are peaceful countries.

I'm a peaceful creature; I'm vegetarian. I don't like wars.

I would prefer things to be peaceful and not have conflict.

There is a deep, peaceful calm in the dawning of a new day.

God wants nothing from you but the gift of a peaceful heart.

Ballots are the rightful and peaceful successors to bullets.

I yearn for things, but at the same time I am just peaceful.

Pray for a peaceful and contented mind in all circumstances.

Everything there is but lovin' leaves a rust on your old soul

The world is more peaceful and more free under my leadership.

When you feel a peaceful joy, that's when you are near truth.

A peaceful worldIs an immediate, utter and absoluteNecessity.

To live in a peaceful home is to experience paradise on earth

No one escapes the wilderness on the way to the promised land.

I felt white, drained of blood, cared for, purified. Peaceful.

The endgame is peaceful reunification of the Korean peninsula.

If one's mind has peace, the whole world will appear peaceful.

Most of humanity just wants to live a peaceful life, don't we?

I feel extraordinarily peaceful when I'm watching the sun set.

Remember that you will create peace only when you are peaceful.

The focus of 'Flower' is emotion and to make you feel peaceful.

We want to live and love and build a just and peaceful society.

Woodstock was both a peaceful protest and a global celebration.

I feel like I've kind of gotten to a peaceful place in my heart.

I believe in peace. Only peaceful co-existence can ensure peace.

I discovered the secret of the sea in meditation upon a dewdrop.

To truly feel seen by another person makes you feel so peaceful.

Even a war zone looks peaceful in most places, most of the time.

There is no alternative to the peaceful coexistence of cultures.

A peaceful home is as sacred a place as any chapel or cathedral.

The most beautiful face is always the face of the peaceful mind!

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