I am peaceful but I am not a pacifist in the philosophical sense.

Finding solitude in the concrete jungle is powerful and peaceful.

It is better to be small, colorful, sexy, careless, and peaceful.

Peaceful is the one who is not concerned with having more or less.

Those who are at war with others are not at peace with themselves.

Acquire a peaceful spirit, and thousands around you will be saved.

To be sure, most immigrants are good and most Muslims are peaceful.

My commitment to a humane and peaceful world continues to this day.

When you find Peace within, you create a Peaceful world around you.

It's better to build a peaceful child than re-build a violent adult.

Inside Junior's it was peaceful. I can change that, I thought dryly.

We're all snatching precious moments from the peaceful jaws of time.

You can't build a peaceful world on empty stomachs and human misery.

you’d think that silence would be peaceful. but really, it’s painful.

It is both auspicious and peaceful for people to choose vegetarinism.

I wish we could just stay on the bandstand, it's so peaceful up here.

Building a stable, peaceful, and coherent Europe must include Russia.

The serene and peaceful mind is the true epitome of human achievement.

All I want is to live a peaceful life, to regain my life and be happy.

I really like walking through Brompton Cemetery. It's really peaceful.

The United Nations is our one great hope for a peaceful and free world.

How can you say you are peaceful if you are still identified with mind?

What is life but an unpleasant interruption to a peaceful nonexistence.

Begin Practicing the Intention to be Authentic & Peaceful with Everyone

The quietly pacifist peaceful always die to make room for men who shout.

If we are to create peace in our world, we must begin with our children.

There is nothing wrong with my heart except for wanting a peaceful world.

Demands that you believe the impossible do not lead to peaceful outcomes.

What is better than a peaceful man? What is worse than an aggressive man?

No one can have a peaceful life who thinks too much about lengthening it.

My desire is to be anonymous, isolated, quiet, peaceful, and concentrated.

The peaceful transition of power is one of the hallmarks of our democracy.

Buildings are 'humane' only when they promote peaceful human co-existence.

It is good to stay in a peaceful poverty than to stay in a painful wealth.

May we soon enjoy the fruits of our labor in a peaceful and united Germany.

Brazil does have every right to develop its own peaceful nuclear programme.

Watch your manner of speech if you wish to develop a peaceful state of mind.

Life is pleasant. Death is peaceful. It's the transition that's troublesome.

We need a peaceful, modern Cambodia. We need to achieve that. It's not easy.

Together we can help create a peaceful, just, sustainable and healthy world.

One of the cornerstones of our democracy is the peaceful transition of power.

How peaceful life would be without love. How safe, how tranquil and how dull.

”Islam, as practiced by the vast majority of people, is a peaceful religion.”

What interferes with this peaceful feeling is our expectation of reciprocity.

As separate people, we are weak, but we could be a peaceful, powerful nation.

I believe in building a peaceful world that is also a safe place for animals.

Germany wants peaceful coexistence of Muslims and members of other religions.

In my peaceful moments, I yearn to write a bank heist like the one in 'Heat.'

If your home is peaceful, then you're going to go out in your day peacefully.

No one's going to go see the story of Othello going to get a peaceful divorce.

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