Hermits have no peer pressure.

Am I a peer mediator? Not a chance.

Peer pressure is just that: pressure.

Pride the first peer and president of hell.

The humblest is the peer of the most powerful.

I'm not going to relate to an athlete as a peer.

Tradition is nothing but ancestral peer pressure.

Government research has to go through peer review.

I consider that my best performance ever was as Peer Gynt.

Peer pressure plays a huge role in people's desire to get married.

Half the point of education is to build peer groups and social bonds.

Caving into blather and peer pressure never bolstered anyone's argument.

It seems like everyone in my peer group has more 'Pokemon' knowledge than I do.

My mother is a very liberal wife and mother, so there was no peer pressure to marry.

Getting elected to the National Academy of Sciences is the ultimate peer recognition.

My message isn't perfectly defined. I have, as a human being, fallen to peer pressure.

Peer review is fine, as long as you're making incremental improvements to a technology.

I look at the world and peer into products and think, 'What's wrong with these products?'

The idea of peer critique, of talking about each other's art - I just found it so useless.

My yesterdays walk with me. They keep step, they are gray faces that peer over my shoulder.

Democrats want to peer into every second of President Trump's life, hoping to find a smoking gun.

Peer pressure and social norms are powerful influences on behaviour, and they are classic excuses.

I like dealing with a peer so I can bully them. Because then, it's not bullying. It's just warfare.

North Korea is not even close to being a near peer to South Korea or, much less, the United States.

People just don't realize how much peer pressure, the desire for peer acclamation, influences them.

I was born a leader, never a follower. I never felt peer pressure. If the group goes left, I go right.

Peer pressure is a huge part of youth behavior, whether one grows up in Washington, D.C., or Cody, Wyo.

I think that no matter what you're doing as a teenager, you're going to be presented with peer pressure.

I just felt being part of my peer group so strongly. I was immersed in teen culture, but not taken in by it.

The Army I grew up in was focused on high-intensity conflict against a peer competitor called the Soviet Union.

One of the best ways to deal with the peer pressure of the 'Fear of Missing Out' is to opt-out whenever possible.

Here's what I love about social media: You get to peer into people's lives that you normally wouldn't be able to.

One of the best parts of being a writer is getting to peer into other worlds - even if you aren't going to stay very long.

The children of less effective, less competent parents will be more likely to adopt the customs and values of the peer group.

I definitely think some of my older female peer group are deeply beautiful women. They have this thing that radiates from them.

One of the biggest costs in the whole scientific publishing world is borne by the academic community, which is the peer review.

When you're 20 and going to the draft, everybody is telling you what you should wear. I kind of succumbed to peer pressure on that one.

At the end of the day, just know that God made you, so you can be your own individual, and don't let people give you that peer pressure.

The motivations for using drugs, often it's pretty obvious and common: you know, peer pressure. You know, kids are struggling growing up.

Too many women don't see themselves in senior leadership and so don't push themselves to advance their careers as their male peer group do.

I read a lot on self-esteem issues, and a mother has more impact on the self-esteem of her daughter than peer pressure or media or television.

There's peer pressure of not being respected of having a certain amount of money, but if you know who you are, then you see that and look past it.

The songs of Bizet are by a French peer of Rossini. When Rossini stopped composing, he was living in Paris. He also wrote some beautiful songs in French.

It was just us lampooning our own peer group, saying, well hey, where did this stuff come from? And where does British guys get to be so good at it suddenly?

If I could grow my fringe down to my shoulders to cover my entire face and occasionally peer out to answer questions I would. It's my beauty security blanket.

Life is a hideous thing, and from the background behind what we know of it peer daemoniacal hints of truth which make it sometimes a thousandfold more hideous.

Our interest in 'Rolling Stone' is driven by its people, its cultural significance, and the globally recognized brand that has no peer in its areas of influence.

There's a lot to be learned about how digital media, the ability to reach anybody any time, really transforms the peer interaction experience in education at large.

A more important reason is that the bands will intuitively trust someone they think is a peer, and who speaks fondly of the same formative rock and roll experiences.

If you are building a culture where honest expectations are communicated and peer accountability is the norm, then the group will address poor performance and attitudes.

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