I love fierce performers.

Conductors are performers.

I'm not like a performer type.

I'm not a natural born performer.

I'm a performer. We don't retire.

I think most performers are just lazy.

Teachers are performers, just like I am.

I think Madonna is a wonderful performer.

I wasn't really a performer by temperament.

I love working with talented young performers.

I'm a performer. I've tried everything there is.

Birds are the first and the greatest performers.

The mind of the performer is a very strange thing.

I was never a child actor. I was a child performer.

I have never met a grateful performer in the movies.

I did feel from day one that I was a born performer.

As a kid I was always a bit of a clown, a performer.

Alan Cumming is such an amazing performer and person.

I've always been a performer. That's just what I know.

We performers sacrifice so much for your entertainment.

I became a performer because it was what I enjoyed doing.

I'm usually put off by performers when they get political

I'm usually put off by performers when they get political.

Most performers don't get a chance to sing in Los Angeles.

I've worked since I was a five-year-old to be a performer.

More than an actor, I am a performer. I'm a great believer

No, I'm a theatrical, live performer or a movie performer.

I know I'm a strong performer. I'm not an evolved musician.

Every performer wants to sing live. That's what I live for.

I firmly believe the industry does not let down performers.

Film music has a great history of composers and performers.

I have always had a performers instinct since I was a child.

I love to work with performers that are very different to me.

All I want to do is be onstage. A performer needs to perform.

George Burns was a Vaudeville performer I particularly loved.

Broadway performers are the best-trained people on the planet.

I keep showing decade after decade that I am a real performer.

Triple H is one of the greatest in-ring performers of all-time.

I'm not a natural performer. I don't like performing very much.

It's hard for performers to grow old gracefully, but I'm trying.

I wouldn't give a performer something I couldn't deliver myself.

But as a writer and performer, I want to get paid for what I do.

The idea that any performer type is owed anything is a joke to me.

Fans are what make a performer and I've always taken them seriously.

I guess you could say it's always been my destiny to be a performer.

Miss Dietrich is not so much a performer as a one-woman environment.

Just as performers, I think you'd be an idiot not to utilize YouTube.

Shawn Michaels is quite simply the greatest performer in WWE history.

Usher is amazing. He's perfection to me as a performer. He gets down.

I'm still learnin'. I pick up something from every performer I watch.

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