And I try to give the best bang for the buck. I love performing more than anything else.

I'll do about 13 shows in Branson next year, and I'll be performing at the Grand Palace.

My way into making movies - into making things is general - has been through performing.

Performing for the Dalai Lama - those are words I never imagined coming out of my mouth.

When I am not acting or performing, I want to keep quiet and not to have a conversation.

We are not only one of the largest investment firms but also one of the best performing.

It's a luxury to not have to just be performing with other people to have my music heard.

No matter what size I am I love performing no matter how big or little I am! I feel good.

If I live to be 90, and I'm planning to, I'll always love performing for a live audience.

I do it because I still get a kick out of it. I still love performing. It keeps me young.

I knew when I was in high school that I wanted a job where they'd applaud if I showed up.

Everybody's doing it. When I'm performing and I do the Dougie, the fans lose their minds.

I do a lot of performing, but don't get a chance to go to the studio and write good music.

I've been arrested many times for illegal high wire walking and illegal street performing.

I was performing skin grafts and became interested in why skin wouldn't graft permanently.

I was performing skin grafts and became interested in why skin wouldn't graft permanently.

It's a whole package, singer/songwriter. I like writing but I like performing just as much.

When I'm performing, I'm not even thinking about the song. I'm thinking about the audience.

It's hard being away from home. But other than that, performing is the highlight of my day.

I listen to Prince on my iPad. And I use a Chords & Scales app to warm up before performing.

I focused more on sharing my gift and performing than worrying about it being a competition.

Music, it requires more than brawn. It requires a lot of heart. You gotta put love in there.

Music is the embodiment of my soul. When I play, I'm not performing a song: I'm becoming it.

I was the class clown so I was used to performing and fooling around in front of my friends.

Music is my passion, singing, performing. I play piano and musical theater is my background.

My fantasy had always been making a music video and performing with music that I had created.

My focus was, and still is, totally on making music, getting on the road and performing live.

Performing in front of the camera is a different thing, and shooting a whole film is another.

Music is a performing art, as any Native American will tell you. It isn't there in the score.

I'm coming up on 30. There are other things that I want to pursue outside of just performing.

When you are performing in theater, you feel so connected to your audience. Its exhilarating!

There hasn't been one highlight that stands out... but touring and performing has been great.

Honestly, live is my favorite way of performing. Every show is a completely different energy.

When you are performing in theater, you feel so connected to your audience. It's exhilarating!

I haven't been to many music events where somebody was performing and it actually made me cry.

I love performing, and it allows me to be very discerning about what I choose next, thank god.

The day I feel like I'm at an office job is the day I'll quit performing in front of a camera.

I've always loved performing and, especially, love for the people. That's what keeps me going.

Science is not about making predictions or performing experiments. Science is about explaining.

I went to the High School for Performing Arts, and to Howard University on a talent scholarship.

One of the reasons I picked up the guitar is because I saw a video of Feist performing in Paris.

I like the mix of stuff I do. I love movies, but I also enjoy performing live and writing songs.

Comedy is difficult, especially slapstick. The trick is to have fun while you are performing it.

I hold all of the songs that I have had the pleasure of recording and performing in high regard.

When you're performing, you're playing to the back row. With acting, you have to be more nuanced.

I love performing in front of people, no matter where they come from or what language they speak.

I had been writing and performing stand-up comedy pretty much the entire time I worked at Google.

If I'm performing with a DJ, it's all on me to draw the energy. I like the camaraderie of a band.

I'm not performing anymore. I reveal myself to the audience. I reveal myself. That's the show now.

Performing live actually thrills me. Just get me a stage, get me a mic, and I'm going to be happy.

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