When I was little, I always wanted to grow up to be like Jessalyn Kincaid and Vanessa Severo. They showed me how much joy performing can give you.

My songs are very personal, which means they are fantastically therapeutic to write, but performing them night after night is emotionally draining.

If players are performing for you, their age shouldn't really matter, especially because the older players can bring their experience to the table.

I went to the Performing Arts School and studied classical ballet. That attitude is something that's put into your head. You are never thin enough.

I do have the odd dream where I'm on stage and I've completely forgotten what I'm meant to be performing - so they are more nightmares than dreams.

In regard to performing, it couldn't be funnier that I ended up being an actor, because I'm really shy. Unless I'm really comfortable with a person.

You see, dancers are quite mature people because they start performing so early. They become professionals when they start to take everyday classes.

As an actress who has performed in theater for over 17 years, my experience performing in 'The Color Purple' has been a truly life-changing journey.

If I weren't performing, there is a real chance that I would be a 'One Man, Two Guvnors' groupie. I think that production is masterful in every way.

The world is a complicated place, and there's a lot of division between people. The performing arts tend to unify people in a way nothing else does.

Extroverts may get places faster, but for introverts it's all about working at the pace you need and, at the end of the day, performing at your best.

In all my years of performing, no audience member has ever actually assaulted me. I consider this to be the singular triumph of my performing career.

I have a lot of experience in the studio, performing onstage, talking to an audience. I learned most of that stuff when I was performing with my mom.

There's one thing you can't download and that's a live performance. And I know how to put on a show, and enjoy performing, and I'll always have that.

I feel sexy when I'm doing what I love - like when I'm singing or performing or something - that's when I feel the most in control and in my element.

And what we've lost sight of is that performing manual labor with your hands is one of the most incredibly satisfying and positive things you can do.

When I first came to New York City in 1967, I joined up with Richard Schechner's Performance Group - where we worked in the Performing Garage in SoHo.

Acting is something I've done since I was six years old, performing for my mum and my family in the living room, and I do it because my heart's in it.

I went to public school my whole life. It was a performing arts school, so I can't say if it was a typical experience or not, because it's all I know.

Gawking at one-time celebrities who, for whatever reason, end up performing jobs our culture deems a mark of failure is gross, but hardly a new thing.

I prefer the competitive atmosphere of a classroom setting, like yoga or Pilates. That keeps me going. Although performing on stage is great exercise!

For example, I wouldn't hesitate to sit somebody down if he wasn't performing, even if he was the No. 1 player in the world. I've been sat down before.

I enjoy touring. I enjoy recording the music, I enjoy dreaming it and I enjoy performing it. I also definitely enjoy selling it, because I like to eat.

All I have to say is basically if performing, singing, acting, and dancing is what you want to do, then you just have to do it - no matter where it is.

More than in any other performing arts the lack of respect for acting seems to spring from the fact that every layman considers himself a valid critic.

I am performing on a nightly basis for WWE. I'm doing it in front of tens of thousands of people at the live events then millions on 'Monday Night Raw.'

I'm a fan of making films. Whether I'm on stage or in front of a camera, one of my first loves is performing for the people. I'd like to do more acting.

All successful employers are stalking men who will do the unusual, men who think, men who attract attention by performing more than is expected of them.

You cannot just exercise your rights and get away without performing your responsibilities. Understand that it should not be about 'me' but rather 'us.'

And much as I enjoy writing and creating stuff, I don't enjoy it so much that I am willing to give up any time that could otherwise be spent performing.

My tendency to internalize emotion is probably why I'm an actor. I'm comfortable performing angrily but have such difficulty expressing anger in my life.

You always want to quit while you are ahead. You don't want to be like a fighter who stays too long in the ring until you're not performing at your best.

I grew up with a sister and a younger brother in a house where every evening was spent performing a dance routine in front of our parents with my sister.

I went to an ordinary primary school, and then I started performing in a show called 'Billy Elliot' on the West End, and that was sort of my drama school.

As a young writer, I learned a lot about grammatical structure from reading plays, from performing the plays. I think that was a wonderful apprenticeship.

All writers have a love-hate relationship with writing. Performing is fun, too, but I wouldn't say it's my favorite. But the most fulfilling is producing.

I think most artists create out of despair. The very nature of creation is not a performing glory on the outside, it's a painful, difficult search within.

I have no experience performing that music live in front of an audience. So that remains to be seen. I'm very excited to see what that's going to be like.

Most of my career has been about standing on a stage performing music to an audience, and once the show is over, they go home and I go on to the next show.

The thing that helped me come to terms with performing was an anxiety, a desperation for acceptance. There was never enough positive motivation in my life.

I've been performing since I came out of the womb. I've been dancing and singing since I was a toddler. Acting seemed like a natural progression from that.

When the Beatles cut old rock n' roll, they were recording music still in their performing repertoire, and besides, they never thought of the music as old.

An intense anticipation itself transforms possibility into reality; our desires being often but precursors of the things which we are capable of performing.

My second year of college, I started performing comedy at an open mic. It was good to do open mics with the kids. It's a good, safe spot to start, you know?

You put a song on the record or on tape and you stop singing it. You just don't sit around and sing it anymore unless you're performing. That's kind of sad.

I feel more comfortable performing when I'm wearing something crazy. I grew up in the '90s, so I love a choker and platform shoes like the Spice Girls wore.

In addition, the bill passed by the House requires a person performing an abortion on a minor from a different state to notify one parent in the home state.

There are very few things that I love more than being on stage and performing, but more than anything, I want to be a positive role model for teenage girls.

I'd love to do Broadway or the West End. I'm sure doing eight shows a week is gruelling, but I did a lot of stage shows in Sydney and I love performing live.

While I love musical theater, it wasn't the right fit for me. It's so competitive, and I was at such a disadvantage, having started performing when I was 17.

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