Remember one thing - that Sweden is performing better than the rest of Europe.

I ended up performing on a full time basis and I never got to Julliard at all.

No, we've been performing our old songs a little differently each performance.

For one year I did go to Performing Arts School, and I had very weird friends.

I didn't go to a normal high school. It was for people in the performing arts.

If I was performing, I had no pain. But you can't stay on stage 24 hours a day.

There was no professional theater in Cork, but still I did a lot of performing.

Most stand-up comics relish performing 'in one' - solo. They like the autonomy.

I love performing. I can get to be that person I always wanted to be - godlike.

I enjoy performing for heavily armed people. It's easier than going to Georgia.

Adapting your own book is like performing open-heart surgery on your own child.

I love performing in front of an audience and seeing smiles on the kids' faces.

I love performing. I love getting out there. It's kind of like why I make music.

Performing live is like harvesting your crops and sharing your food with people.

Dancers, like all performing artists, like nothing better than to be challenged.

I truly get very emotional when I am performing and see their (Fans) love for me.

Performing is always my biggest rush. The energy is boundless from a great crowd.

Performing doesn't come that naturally to me, even though I've done it for years.

I want people to understand me as a person with views, not just performing songs.

The pressure performing is something you have to get used to, really really quick.

It's incredibly moving to hear some of our greatest actors performing Shakespeare.

I like radio and live performing stuff. I don't like the television stuff as much.

The audience is like my instrument. It's not just me up there, it's collaborative.

I'm the youngest of three sisters. We were always performing plays for each other.

Just performing is where I'm happiest, and gets me rid of my troubles and worries.

Everything that came to me, in terms of the ritzier side of performing, was a plus.

Performing written music, even when I've written it, is not very interesting to me.

I'd love to play a rock star in a movie, but for now, I'm not performing in public.

Painting is such an individual profession. I'm not performing. There's no audience.

I like performing live more than anything. I get a little bit afraid in the studio.

I really enjoy theater. Performing live onstage is helping me to grow as an actress.

I love performing. I love the people. I sound like Liza Minnelli right now, don't I?

I love performing in front of an audience. I like the questions; I like controversy.

When people performing on the public's behalf feel intimidated, it's a sorry affair.

I am free in performing an action if I could have done otherwise if I had chosen to.

How does one magnify a calling? Simply by performing the service that pertains to it.

I've dreamed about performing songs, songs that don't even exist, as a complete song.

My life, at least, is divided between writing and performing and mixtures of the two.

I'm getting bored performing the same songs over and over. Songwriting comes and goes.

I always assumed I'd spend my life happily performing in artsy-fartsy little theaters.

I like performing, but I usually get really sick when I'm on tour, and it's just hard.

Performing in front of my fans is what I love to do and I hope I get to do it forever.

I grew up listening to the Police, I grew up performing in bars, singing Police songs.

I prefer film to the stage. I always like the rehearsal better than I like performing.

When it comes to performing and entertaining, the art removes itself from the writing.

I have never wanted to give up performing on stage, but one day the tours will be over.

I find a similarity between performing music onstage and acting - a reality of emotion.

I'm used to writing and performing my own material; doing someone else's is refreshing.

Performing is very much like cooking: putting it all together, raising the temperature.

Performing was easy because I believed that I could sing, but that was an outside thing.

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