I love performing. It's a phenomenal getaway. If you want to really let out everything you feel, that's the time to do it.

I was always performing, doing silly voices. The teachers realized I could go one of two ways: be creative or destructive.

I'm pretty much living my dream job, but one day I would love to dedicate more time to writing and performing my own music.

I've started to get used to traveling a lot and performing, but still everything has grown so quickly and is very exciting!

Performing on stage is addictive. The adrenaline rush is exhilarating. When I stop touring for a couple weeks, I get antsy.

My home is at the WWE. I truly do love performing. The atmosphere here isn't like anything else. It's truly where I belong.

A little Isadora Duncan and a little Butoh this was choreography and performing that was simultaneously both lush and spare.

I always love performing live, and that's what I was doing that started getting me acting parts, so I still find time do it.

When I'm performing I just want to tell the audience something. I want every person watching to walk away feeling something.

I still enjoy performing, whether it's in front of two people or 2,000 people, but it's not fun once you leave the big show.

I find the theatre faintly embarrassing for the actors performing on stage. It seems rather showy-off in an undignified way.

There's no feeling like performing. It's magical, it's so rewarding, and it just feeds this special little part of your soul.

Once I started performing I knew that's what I wanted to do with my life. But you have to work really hard to be a performer.

For me, performing is the biggest part of being a rapper. There's nothing like the feeling of screaming your story to people.

I'm kind of shy, and I think that I take that out by performing in front of a lot of people. That's how I get out my shyness.

A lot of performing instincts are involved in the business of direction, but so is analysis and having a sense of literature.

Even now, I have traces of the good little girl. When I am not performing, for instance, I am really very quiet and ordinary.

I love performing, but I never really liked show business. My success is my family. I want to be more successful as a mother.

I have always enjoyed performing, but I think when I was in the fifth grade was when I discovered that I really loved acting.

Performing is just standing up there and doing something. Performance takes on an edge to it. It has a more dramatic context.

Perseverance doesn't always mean winning and losing. Perseverance means showing up and rising to the occasion and performing.

I went to a Canadian college for performing arts and then I auditioned for Canadian Idol. That honestly was my golden ticket.

Writing is a performance art for me. They're very closely aligned, writing and performing. But I'm a writer, not a performer.

You can do 'Hamlet' while performing cartwheels... as long as the audience sees your eyes - you can make the performance real.

I think too many people look at the arts with a religious outlook. Arts, music, singing and performing, it's all make-believe.

Productivity is driven at the enterprise level. Better wages, better performing workplaces, are driven at the workplace level.

When people think of performing they usually think of show-offs, but I think of it more that you disappear into somebody else.

I'll probably be 80 years old and still performing. Music is like fashion, it changes. But some things will always be the same.

I don't feel that I have to control every aspect of things that I appear in. You learn a lot performing someone else's writing.

I've always had a sense of humour, and I still do, so I just want to go on performing as long as I can. It's as simple as that.

I love amazing people. I love dazzling them. That's why I think performing magic is one of the greatest things a person can do.

I'm getting older; you realise you are on the countdown of what you are doing, so performing means more than it ever did to me.

To be at the top, you have to have a competitive streak in you. If you're not performing, you've got to be angry with yourself.

I'm addicted to the adrenaline of performing, and I think when you're used to having that high, you look for it in other things.

I started performing at two or three on a tape recorder, one of those little flat recorders where you just push play and record.

I wanted to be a veterinarian until I saw a video of a vet performing surgery on a dog. Then I decided I wanted to be a pianist.

Performing with anthrax in the building is not nearly as difficult as performing in a home where you might get stabbed at night.

I really just love reading. It's my favorite thing, performing my poems live. Reading by reading, I just kind of follow my nose.

I was admired by all these hippies, and it was wonderful playing at Monterey and Woodstock, performing for half a million people.

I love composing and writing music and dancing and performing and conceptualizing creatively for visual mediums. I love to create.

When I consider the deeper meaning of yoga, I realize it's about a lot more than simply performing a variety of postures on a mat.

I was performing in New York and my friends started to call me Gaga, they said I was very theatrical and they said, 'You're Gaga'.

There's no performance where I never have to think about setting up a phrase or making a technical adjustment while I'm performing.

Unless the clients want, I don't like to have dancers for my shows. I prefer a rock show look and like performing with a live band.

My mom put me into a performing arts elementary school back in Cincinnati, so I started studying acting in school when I was seven.

I started out being a stand up and writing my own material. That took me to 'Talk Soup,' where I was writing and performing for TV.

(Acting) is an extension of life. How you're capable of performing in your life, that's how you're capable of performing on screen.

Of all human inventions the organization, a machine constructed of people performing interdependent functions, is the most powerful.

You can learn everything that there is to know about the industry or the player from the company that is performing better or worse.

I started writing music when I was around twelve. My current record company saw a video of me performing at my school's talent show.

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