I really don't use a personal trainer.

I've got a personal trainer, and I train three times a week.

I do two sessions a week with a personal trainer, and I love jogging.

I loathe exercise. And I hate gyms. I've never had a personal trainer.

My personal trainer is an ex-dancer so we do a lot of ballet and jazz.

I wake up at 7 A.M. each morning and work out with a personal trainer.

I train five times a week, usually three-four times with my personal trainer.

I actually work with David Kirsch; I have the luxury of having a personal trainer.

I work with a nutritionist, I have my personal trainer and another person who is like my physio.

I try to go to the gym three to four times a week and mix it up with yoga or a personal trainer.

I feel so fortunate and lucky I don't have to be a waitress or a bartender or a personal trainer.

A great tailor is like a great personal trainer - they tailor that suit to your natural physique.

A life coach does for the rest of your life what a personal trainer does for your health and fitness.

I am lucky enough to be married to a personal trainer. He's able to whip me into shape pretty quickly.

I train a lot of people on the side as a personal trainer, but I still work out myself to keep in great shape.

I work out five days a week with my personal trainer, who comes home and gets me cracking on my fitness routine.

I work out almost every day, and I mix it up: I do Thai kickboxing. I have a personal trainer. I work out at my gym.

I have a personal trainer. But I tried boxing; I tried ballet. I tried everything to see what works best for my body.

I did weightlifting and bodyweight-focused exercises such as chin-ups, pull-ups and press-ups with my personal trainer.

I have a personal trainer who comes over at least four times a week and kicks my butt. I get so sore that I can't even walk.

My personal trainer suggested paleo to build muscle while staying lean, and it's one of the first plans that's worked for me.

I hired a personal trainer to help me lose 25 pounds and get from obese to fat. My next step will be to get from fat to chubby.

When I'm in the U.K., I have a personal trainer who is wonderful, and she's hard-core and makes sure I get up in the morning and go.

I was as big as I have ever been. I had a personal trainer and was working out. I was feeling good. I was muscular. I had never weighed more than 155 pounds.

I have a personal trainer who I work out with. She's amazing and as well as making sure I do loads of sit-ups and press-ups, she also keeps an eye on what I eat.

Well, I started my career as a personal trainer. So I did one-to-one, you know, outdoors, at people's houses and then obviously boot camps and stuff, which I love.

I said, 'Wouldn't it be great if Matt Damon's character fell in love with a girl with a real butt?' They were like, 'Yeah sure, sure - here's your personal trainer.'

I want more muscles! I go to the gym three or four times a week with a personal trainer. I can afford that now. I can't put on weight though, no matter how much I eat.

I was a personal trainer for about a decade. I competed in powerlifting, and I did a bodybuilding competition. I was heavily entrenched in the personal training world.

I go to the gym five days a week and I have a personal trainer. I am on a strict diet, which is kind of hard to keep up with on the road, but I stick to it as well as I can.

I don't really need a personal trainer or watch what I eat. I can't start the day without a hot chocolate or finish it without a few squares of dark chocolate. It's good for my mood!

Look after yourself, get rest, get a facial, get a hair treatment, eat really well, work out, get a personal trainer. And that's really the key: to take care of yourself and not burn out.

I have to stay in shape for the physical endeavour stunts I do. I work out a lot. I have a personal trainer. I go two or three times a week. I'm on a diet where I photograph everything I eat and send it to her.

I have a personal trainer who comes home. I work out three times a week for an hour each and focus on concentrated body weight training and cardio. Honestly, I don't always work out if I am too busy with shoots.

I've taken a personal trainer once a week because I'm dreadful. I don't exercise; I don't walk about an awful lot because my feet hurt, so I thought it was a good idea. It makes you move bits you otherwise might not.

The pressure in Hollywood is bigger to look good than in Germany. In Germany, we are more forgiving. Having a personal coach in Germany is not nearly as common as in Hollywood. In Hollywood, I think everyone has a personal trainer.

I try to work out with my personal trainer for an hour, four times a week - we mainly concentrate on weights and running. If I'm on the road I sometimes do DVD work-outs in my hotel room - P90X and Insanity are a couple of my favourites.

We live in the countryside, 15 minutes from the closest town, so I would never have time to drive and go somewhere. So I have a personal trainer come to my house, normally three times a week, and we do circuit training depending on what I need.

I go to the gym and work through a routine. But if you see someone with a personal trainer, you know they do 10 times more than you do. You give up your sense of identity. If you watch 'The Biggest Loser,' you see people give up their identity to become something else.

As soon as I get time, I want to start to do some fight training. I tried a little boxing once with my personal trainer back in L.A. - it's such a good workout, and it's a good skill to have, especially in my industry, since sometimes you have to do stunts and fight scenes.

I have my guy Semi who is my on the road - he's my personal trainer. He helps me out with training and stuff like that, and he's shown me a lot of things I can do on the road. We were trying to figure out something that I can do everywhere, like in my hotel room, so I don't have to have a gym.

I'm quite into fitness, and I have a fantastic personal trainer who knows me, knows my body, knows when to push me, and knows when not to push me. She doesn't make me do 20 burpees in a row and instead focuses on strengthening my core, telling me we need to focus on making me into 'a tall giraffe'!

The smartest thing I ever did as a writer was hire a retired conservation agent to blaze a hiking trail for me. It's nothing fancy - just a narrow path that meanders for a little over a mile through the woods near my home. But that trail through the trees has become my therapist, my personal trainer, and my best editor.

Everybody that wants to work out wants to feel good and look better, but I think one of the biggest problems people have is they don't want to work out with a personal trainer, someone like myself, or even a couple of buddies, because they think, 'Gosh, if I work out too hard, I'm not going to be able to get up the next day!'

Sometimes when I pose for pictures, people say it's impossible that I have a flat stomach without working out like crazy and having a personal trainer, and sometimes they get mad at me, and I find that hard because I think there's a lot of women who have the same thing happening to them because they lived a healthy, active lifestyle.

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