I'm bad at returning phone calls.

I developed several comedy phone calls.

I guess we're all one phone call from our knees

I pretty much just use my smartphone for phone calls.

Any good GM wants to field phone calls from his peers.

Just like that, with one phone call, she was a daughter again.

Have you ever felt like a phone call that's been disconnected?

I practice at home, in between phone calls, and have much to do.

All the inspiration I ever needed was a phone call from a producer.

I have not heard from President Barack. I've never gotten a phone call.

I don't take private phone calls from the Trump Administration anymore.

Big brother listening in on your phone calls - I got a problem with that.

I would have been a Republican, if Karl Rove had returned my phone calls.

The last thing I say on most phone calls is not, 'Goodbye,' but, 'Thank you.'

There are some phone calls where it's not even worth wasting the electrons on.

Not returning phone calls is the severest form of torture in the civilized world.

Airplanes are a good place to concentrate because you get no emails, no phone calls.

Every week, I take two phone calls or meetings with an aspiring producer or director.

Both my parents are actors, and I saw them struggle with work, waiting for phone calls.

If you can only remain pure in your stupidity, someday you may get a phone call from hell.

For three days after death, hair and fingernails continue to grow but phone calls taper off.

I actually get very little phone calls. I get way more tweets and texts. My phone rarely rings.

If a senator or congressman notices 25 phone calls, on any issue, on any given day, it is noted.

It doesn't hurt to be a former governor. It helps in terms of getting your phone calls returned.

There were the phone calls and Elvis had asked me to visit him in Los Angeles. This was in 1962.

My family has had to become quite understanding about me not returning phone calls when I'm filming.

When I get a job, I make phone calls to every single person I know and tell them not to bloody call me.

I never go anywhere. I do sketches and make phone calls, and people visit. It's more fun to come to Paris.

I allow those phones to ring, and I go straight to it. As a result, I get some very, very strange phone calls.

I'm not a naturally social-media inclined person. I still prefer phone calls to texts/emails. I... hate texts.

For me, there is no day or night for music. I often work through the night - without phone calls disturbing me.

Everybody knows I return all of my phone calls. I pick up my cell phone myself, much to the chagrin of my staff.

My husband doesn't text... It's always phone calls. I like that because you hear the voice the old-fashioned way.

Tomorrow you might get a phone call about something wonderful and you might get a phone call about something terrible.

It's rare to work on a series without a writer. If you have a question about a line, then phone calls have to be made.

I've had to fight for roles and I've lost a hundred roles, but 'Smoking' and 'Smith' were phone calls. That's the dream.

Texts and e-mails travel no faster than phone calls and telegrams, and their content isn't necessarily richer or poorer.

To say the U.S. government is targeting U.S. persons, to listen to their phone calls and read their emails, is just false.

The telephone is a 100-year-old technology. It's time for a change. Charging for phone calls is something you did last century.

I'm signed to a U.S. label, and I didn't enjoy the 3 A.M. phone calls. I'm not a great sleeper, so I didn't enjoy being woken up.

Someday I'll be remembered for The phone calls I never made Letters I never mailed And the stories I never finished telling anyone.

Family is what really runs through my head. I'm usually bombarded with tons of phone calls, but I'm usually bombarded with love as well.

I live in reality, and I know at any moment I could stop getting the phone calls and nobody wants to hear me sing or tell jokes anymore.

I don't have a relationship with Yoko. I've tried contacting her many times after John had died. She wouldn't return any of my phone calls.

I know how many days in which I have just answered e-mail, had three phone calls and a two hour lunch. Poof, gone. They are not infrequent.

I would say 90 percent of my mail and phone calls are from people who want some kind of help or succor or commitment from me to do something.

For my daughter I would suffer through a thousand divorces, a million uncomfortable phone calls, a trillion emotionally fraught text messages.

I found that whatever interested me in life, I could pretty much pick up the phone, call somebody, and all of a sudden be in the middle of it.

The president overstepped his authority when he asked the NSA to eavesdrop on Americans' international phone calls without obtaining a warrant.

Sundays in France have a different atmosphere to other days, with fewer phone calls, no postman, no delivery men and no one banging on the door.

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