I don't want to get pigeonholed.

A lot of times, women are pigeonholed.

The one thing I will never do is become pigeonholed.

I don't really think about being pigeonholed so much.

Often you get pigeonholed because of the way you look.

It's not fun for an actor to be pigeonholed in any way.

Yeah, there's a tendency to get pigeonholed in Hollywood.

I'm not so widely known that I'm going to be pigeonholed.

There are worse things than getting pigeonholed in Hollywood.

R&B needs to see a new light. It doesn't have to be pigeonholed.

I haven't ever been stereotyped or pigeonholed or put into a box.

I wouldn't want to be just pigeonholed as an extravagant director.

You get pigeonholed. You accept it or you fight it. I've accepted it.

I don't want to be pigeonholed into the guy who's against everything.

For me, there are worse things than being pigeonholed as the nice guy.

I've always wanted a broad range of options and to not get pigeonholed.

I think any actor in their right mind is afraid of getting pigeonholed.

I do not want myself to be restricted to a pigeonholed kind of filmmaker.

When I was younger, you get pigeonholed in parts, which is understandable.

It gives me more breadth as an actor and as an artist to not be pigeonholed.

You can get pigeonholed in Hollywood and people think of you in a certain way.

I've tried actively to define myself and redefine myself, and not be pigeonholed.

I'm lucky because I have never been pigeonholed and the roles have kept on coming.

It's important to me to keep testing myself in life so that I don't get pigeonholed.

I think I was pigeonholed pretty early on. And I started late in my career. I was 33.

It was always important for me not to be pigeonholed as a cruiserweight-style wrestler.

I don't like the monikers, and I don't like being pigeonholed. You know, I'm a human being.

It's tough advocating for trans visibility and not being pigeonholed as just a trans actress.

I'm aware of being pigeonholed in those period drama roles. But, I do love them at the same time.

I think cubism has not fully been developed. It is treated like a style, pigeonholed and that's it.

I get pigeonholed into type-A personality characters, but I'm really not type A. I'm kind of a spaz.

I think when I got into broadcasting I told myself, 'I don't ever want to be pigeonholed as one thing.'

I have complete freedom, and there's no way to get pigeonholed or bored. What could be better than that?

I got pigeonholed a bit. When I wanted to be an actress, I never wanted to be the kind of actress I became.

I think liberals have a lot of good ideas, actually. But I've been pigeonholed, and I'm quite comfortable with it.

I don't believe that what Tears for Fears has done, and continues to do, can be pigeonholed into a genre or decade.

As an actor, you know, I love not being pigeonholed, which is great. No one really knows who I am. So that's a positive.

The cool thing about being different in this industry is that you get different roles; you aren't pigeonholed the same way.

I wanted to make my sophomore film as different as possible. I didn't want to be pigeonholed. I didn't want to be identifiable.

'Pigeonholed' isn't the right word, because I feel like I've had a very wide range of characters that I've been allowed to play.

You get pigeonholed. Some people are film stars, and some are theatre stars who do one-off telly. Somehow, I get into long-running series.

I think - a lot of times in hip-hop, especially - artists get kind of pigeonholed into being 'the guy,' and it's kind of limiting in a way.

The industry sees animation as a genre rather than a medium. It has been pigeonholed into being just for kids' entertainment, and that's it.

If you do something that's not pigeonholed, it gets thrown into the 'We don't know what this is' bin, and so let's not talk about it so much.

I'm worried about being pigeonholed as an artist, especially a female one, but I think, essentially, it's the music which people judge you by.

The goal has been not to get pigeonholed. I like working in different genres. I'm gonna try to be entertaining and funny and do my usual thing.

If you look at my career, doing albums with Norah Jones, Justin Timberlake, Gucci Mane and Lil Wayne or KRS-One and Jean Grae, I can't be pigeonholed.

I'm very conscious of the fact the directing career has taken some odd turns. Maybe there's enough bulk where I'm now pigeonholed in the 'eclectic box.'

I think my music covers a broader sound than just 'Tropical House'... My goal is to simply be a great producer in my own right without being pigeonholed.

My music is pretty versatile; I have a lot of genres and styles. I don't think I should be pigeonholed into one thing. So we'll see where my career goes.

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